Monday, November 9, 2015

How True @ Each our Truths part 2

How True @ Each our Truths part 2

Religion may attract or repel us, but chances are it has touched every person in some way. Here we look at the propositional aspects of reading the scriptures of the world's great religions. I suppose we begin by seeing the value of doctrine in being convinced of a religion and thus we are lent faith in it. Because we well enough understand our personal perspective, we are thus judging how other persons may behave if they claim a certain defined religion. I feel evidence has proven this assumption to be unreliable. I assert that persons are more strongly affected by personal well-being, justice for their loved ones, and peace in their community.

Still modern life is ambiguous, and a value of religion is to form good persons who practice right livelihood. I respect any person of faith, and pray that past hatred and xenophobic fears recede in the world and we each bloom into a new Eden, or some such better understanding. 

For most of two millennia following creation of the scriptures that became our Bible, they were held to be infallible. There is very good intellectual and anthropological reasons for holding and teaching the doctrine of scriptural infallibility; it amplified the many basically good and useful aspects of their teachings, and gave a reassuring answer to any ambiguities that arose. Most important it steered students of the scriptures to focus on studying them as whole entities that impart complex meanings.

Comic Book Shaman


Perceiving this complexity has the twin benefit of developing our brain structure; and in turn understanding the complete meanings that the Bible contains.  In this example of Matthew 22, a cursory count gives 47 separate variables (that is: thoughts, statements or ideas) in this account that lead directly to Jesus’ iconic end. Each one of these variables may be understood variously as correct, incorrect, partially correct or partially incorrect. “

Comic Book Shaman


By accepting infallibility one may accept each verse at face value in order to derive the benefit of the whole teaching. When we solve a simple problem such a 2 + 2 x 2 = 8 it is vital that each variable be true for the answer to be correct. But this is not necessarily true for a complex equation like Matthew 22. There are a number of verses each with an individual meaning that in their aggregate become a complexity that leads to a momentous conclusion.

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For a student of the Bible, or any complexity it is very important to trust the material until the end before making a judgment, because if verse 12, 23 and 37 strike chords of contradiction with knowledge we feel we know, we can lose the whole truth and meaning of the chapter.”

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“In studying complexity it may not be necessary for all of the variables considered in a proposition be “true” as we understand them, so long as we find truth in the aggregate. In being open to seeing multiple perspectives we come to feel truth in the body, taste it in the tongue and hear it in a speaker’s voice and see it in her face and body.”

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Don’t let the things you know blind you to things you do not yet know. I can’t say if I said that, or Dr. Strange or Yoda or Thoreau, but this is the first truth of perception of complexity.

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“Scriptures are made of a wide range of characters who share in common that they seek the truth. As the scriptures progress they use the thought, actions and interactions among themselves and with God to express incremental human progress made by available technology, process and ingenuity. If they lacked the benefit of scientific process, they at least perfected transcription and proofreading, so that scriptures could be slowly but accurately disseminated; no mean feat even today. “

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For instance the genealogy of the books of Kings were carefully kept and maintained for their contemporary value of establishing important lineage, but they were much more valuable to later generations of persons as a tool for the development of human brain chemistry and a source of academic credential.

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“Each book of the Bible fills a spiritual, anthropological and intellectual function. It is a work constructed to impart value to contemporary readers in Biblical times and still be relevant, in present times and also in the future.”

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So here is the turning of the screw, and it is wholly a doctrinal question for Fundamentalists and strict constructionist persons who hold the value of scriptures is derived from prophets and prophesies false and true, a perfect lamb as Messiah, belief in the way of Salvation steering clear of a hell of punishment for non-belief after a final global tribulation and Final Judgment Day.

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It is curious that this strict doctrine is so prevalent and persistent, especially considering the number of divisions and schisms that split one denomination from another over the past five hundred years and causes its members to perceive unable to accept the doctrinal interpretations of their respective parent church.”

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“Objectively the case of the Church v Galileo drove a stake through the heart of a strict constructionist doctrine and Fundamentalism. “

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In fact doctrine itself is only the bare bones of any religion; the meat is in the good works churches do for their members, society and the culture as a whole. This importance is not to be denigrated or dismissed.

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“However as science and technology progress, persons become more capable of benefiting from multiple perspectives which in turn equip us to absorb complexity so that belief may fall away in favor of right perception in terms of scriptures.”

Comic Book Shaman

One horrible condition of 'passing' as white for Herriman from 1900-1944 in racist America, even with a good career and prosperity, is that he was forced to live without close family ties and connections that would necessarily give up his ancestry if a bigoted white person chose to make it an issue; any day, and nearly anywhere he went. George Herriman's wife died very soon after his only daughter was born: whom was taken from him by an accident in her 20's, leaving him alone for over a decade by the time these strips were created in 1935.

 It is easy to feel Herriman's connection to Ignatz Mouse, constant and arbitrary target of the weight of Law in Coconino County. Like a buzzing fly in the ear of newspaper editors who were a part of the segregation system in those years, it is easy to see why Krazy Kat often hit a nerve, so that many local editors cut the Kat from the paper every chance they could.