“Thus abandoning the baseline right and wrong in all things
and stepping into the realm of infinity.”
Matrix of Reconciliation
I grew up believing that justice can be had if I can only
sufficiently articulate the point of contention in my own favor. This family
dynamic is the main underlying factor in my cognitive development, and so is
now the focus of my life and artwork. As a child of the 1960s I was blessed
with every advantage our culture offered, save only wealth. Still as a white
man in that era I enjoyed every other advantage the times offered, I was hired
for nearly every job I applied for; my youth, intelligence and regular
appearance brought me acceptance at every social strata that I encountered. In the 1970s I experienced discrimination
vicariously, as women and so called minority persons were rejected out of hand
in applying for open positions at my workplaces. I think this, more than any reason I can name
caused me to quit a number of good jobs, suffering anguish and disgust at the
bigoted attitudes of employers and co-workers. I came to perceive my entire
culture as fake and hypocritical.
My unconventional attitudes grew from these perceptions, and
I drifted through the following decades seeking some way to elude the suffering
I felt; without then really understanding what it was that caused it. I felt
there must be some justification for this horrible injustice that I was
missing, but as I investigated many interconnected subjects and whole fields of
knowledge; I came to understand that the very institutions that purport to
oppose discrimination and poverty in our society are in fact the greatest
offenders; government, religions, educational institutions and the media are
all dedicated to maintain themselves unchanged. As such they are all agents of
great injustice, and in opposition to individual self-determination.
This realization led me to a simple cognitive analytic tool: to look carefully at perceived negative
aspects of all things apparently positive, and also for positive aspects of
seemingly negative ones. Thus abandoning the baseline right and wrong in all
things and stepping into the realm of infinity. Ingrained in dominant culture
are infinite financial ambitions that when viewed are on their face unjust in
terms of limits and contradictions. For every good reason to do something there
is always a counterpoint that at least discourages it. With the assumption that
everyone decides what they will choose to do in any particular situation; also
each person’s choices will vary widely according to circumstances. It is clear
that the seeming intractable nature of injustice is rooted in the disconnected
decisions of individuals. At this juncture the apparent complexity implied
seems daunting, but in the perspective of infinity that complexity shrinks down
to a clear sort of order.
All of the varied decisions made by individuals in the
context of a family, a class at school, or a work shift seem knowable or
predictable, but drawing back the lens to consider the same of a whole city, an
entire state, or nation: impossible. Remarkably all of this falls into
predictable channels as a matrix of humanity becomes apparent, so that
seemingly impossible complexities are found to contain countless similarities
of intentions. We are only prevented from seeing these by our fear and distractions caused by diverse aspects of each life, personal
concerns and responsibilities. These fears
and distractions result in all poverty, injustice and violence in
our culture.
Life Gives Matrix
Although the world’s problems are many this complexity is not
so great in comparison to that part of every person’s life that is well
adjusted and is positive in nature. We are hammered on to believe that sweeping
change will be required to see the relief of war and injustice around the
world. However infinity indicates that this is not the case with most persons
in the world, discounting governments, churches and media.
Instead the keys to reconciliation lie in only small changes
in every individual. Changes in circumstance perhaps; changes in heart,
countless small changes in kind compassion that open eyes and minds to new
power fed by intent. No one is or can be
right all of the time. We practice our best behavior among those we respect and
love; not those we hate or fear. Knock on every door and one will find tragedy
may strike close to any person some how. The power rests in every fear to
overcome and turn the situation to a kinder conclusion. While it is not
possible for us to change the hearts and minds of persons suffering and
inflicting suffering remote from us in Syria, Somalia, Iran or Korea; it is
fully possible for each of us to change our self.
What possible effect can yours and my changes of perspective,
into kinder manner have? One’s change always affects those around us, even when
this change seems only slight. But in the aggregate, by caring to educate
ourself to see the inter-connected
nature of our world honestly, as we release selfish fears without great loss of
our time or resources, we recognize that most of our concerns for money and
attention is spent in mere attempts to distract our self from our own suffering
from infinite causes.
In this century essential power has shifted rapidly downward;
and will continue do so for each next succeeding generation due to technology
and its incumbent delivery of access to those previously disenfranchised
persons, of real education if not accreditation or degree. Thus building for
our self, a stake in an improved future for them self: and incrementally the
whole world.
In the past the power to make these important decisions
affecting each of our lives was held remote from us in the hands of leaders,
churches and industry. Today that power has quietly shifted down into our own
hands if we are brave enough to grasp it tightly for our self and lightly for
others world wide. A matrix is a
system of individuals who are autonomous and equivalent in systematic ambiguity
and therefore in harmony with infinite positive aspects as conceivable in short
chronology. What do you say?
Resolved in Matrix
As human beings we must
at last value ourself and one another. The PTSD we all feel from infinite
causes affects our ability to trust, and to tell the true feelings we all have,
but are too ‘polite’ to express openly for hurting others feelings; or
revealing our secrets. With life security universal, the negative consequences
of poverty, crime, addiction and abuse shall evaporate. Then the bad decisions
and actions those promote in any person will not arise in their life as a
positive option in any way. The savings to taxpayers thus accrued will
certainly justify the attempt.
The premise here is: I
list some 77 conflicts, plus nations experiencing conflict, just off of the top
of my head in an hour. After some consideration I have assigned values to each
nation’s conflict(s) according to categories: hate; bad leaders; economics;
criminal; civil war; and eco-threat. Described here denoting region [continents,
plus the green water aspects of the planet, including certain nations], in
fairly arbitrary choices. I assert that a
dollar amount exists, and a chronology of accommodation may be assigned; to
resolving each individual problem across the board, beginning with Variable
Universal Happiness and development of technology including world-wide 3D
Printing Hubs to serve every person in the matrix of humanity.
I further assert that
institution of universal food and medial security, shelter and education as a
free utility will cost a fraction of the price of continuing the conflicts
presently sending migrants and refugees onto desperate and unhappy journeys. With
just that the cause of all conflicts are half way to being solved.
The categories water
and Fukushima are the ying and yang of, the life and death of the earth from
today forward. The world is not doomed yet; but we must preserve the waters of
our planet as soon, and as broadly as possible. The atomic disaster in Japan is
the responsibility of the whole world: to study and contain, to save what may
be saved of the Pacific Ocean, and our planet earth.
Hatred, fear, envy
greed, these unfortunate aspects of human behavior that spill into government,
religion, or corporate practice result widely in conflict and tremendous
expense in all measures. The extent to which the domestic politics of any
nation is taken up with these negative human aspects, rather than more proper
and neutral administrative function; or more positive healing actions is a
measure of its worth or poverty of spirit.
This poverty of spirit
may be translated directly into budgetary deficit, there lays a calculable cost
to the citizens of that nation in immediate real terms. Terms that need not alter
radically, but only be changed just so, creating windfalls where deficits once

Axiomatic Matrix
Per the axiom of
reducibility we may safely say that widespread solutions of conflicts will not
cause new, more drastic consequences than do the present costs of ineffectual
government, war, crime, famine, disease and natural disasters cause today. This being the case there is no cause to fear
to look for common solutions worldwide to common or similar problems. It is in
the assumption that any nation’s problems are unique to itself, and contained
within its borders that can make any real solutions seem radical; or at best
far-fetched. It is not strange though, to recognize that every person has
something to contribute to their community and culture. But also, clearly for
some there are fixtures and forces that prevent them from reaching their full
human potential, and thus the world is deprived of each one’s full
productivity, and inversely so their spending prowess.
With the gradual
institution of variable universal happiness, the provision of food, shelter,
health care and education as free public utilities everywhere in the world, the
negative costs of poverty, crime and injustice will decline measurably, and the
decline will reduce criminal enterprise, war and desperation, along with the
very great costs in money, fear and time in every single region of the world in
rapid fashion.
Eliminating poverty and
increasing productivity are good things in themselves, and while it seems
necessarily expensive and a prolonged process to eliminate poverty and injustice,
there are even many in contention as to whether it is a good idea to relieve a
person from their poverty at all. Such thought is born or fear and greed, and
care for gaining and maintaining wealth and position at all cost. Infinity
dictates that the more the complexity the more simple the solution must be at
last. Here, all I am saying: is give peace a price. With that, it shall be met
Matrix of Commonality
The key to resolving
many complex conflicts all at once is not in attempting major, sweeping
changes, but instead in careful analysis and arriving at small compromises that
are sustainable, and agreeable to all. These can perhaps be suggested more
clearly from a distance, but at last may be implemented only by persons who live
within the bounds of each conflict itself. Certainly this is a very simplistic
assumption, but clearly the answers to all conflicts can only be found thus, if
we intend to dissuade the use of violence, coercion and robbery.
Using the model of 77
conflicts described above we soon discover these have more in common than they
contrast one another; so thus it suggests that individual people around the
world share this characteristic. Also in common is the fact that close and
personal problems are inevitably more difficult to find reconciliation than
those seen from a distance as more abstract and impersonal may be. Every
individual conflict between nations, or between persons, is a tapestry of woven
threads, some fully contained within its own borders, but others that extend
outside of them.
This complexity itself
may indicate or imply that the problems are unsolvable, but in a larger
perspective these inter-connected strands of conflict hold important avenues
into compromise and solution. Even though each cause of a conflict may be
chiefly or wholly internal, often these avenues result from outside, abstract
reckoning. The very fact that so much injustice, and so many conflicts are deeply
rooted in past events, even sometimes ancestral in origin, lend truth to this
To presume that this
chronological aspect can make an intractable conflict impossible to resolve
denies the infinite aspects contained in every person. In fact I suggest that
all conflicts in common share the minimization of the value and the potential
of the majority affected by each conflict now existing in the world. Thus I
assert this is the result of the cynicism of the minority holding wealth and
power; this cynicism is not natural, but is the result of the post-traumatic
stress caused by the past constraints of limited regional resources imposed by
our past pre-modern technological civilization. It is only now that the equalizing
influences of modern communications, transportation and technology all allow us
the promise of reconciliation by means of Variable Universal Happiness.
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