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Harold R. (Hal)
Foster’s Prince Valiant
© Respective
copyright/trademark holders.
The proposition "a =
(⍳x)(φx)" is easily shown to be
equivalent to "φx . ≡x . x = a."
For, by the definition, it is
(∃c) : φx . ≡x. x = c : a =
"there is a c for which φx . ≡x . x = c, and this c is a," which is equivalent to "φx.
≡x. x = a."
Thus "Scott is the author of Waverley" is equivalent to:
wrote Waverley' is always equivalent to 'x is Scott,’"
"x wrote Waverley" is true when x is Scott and false when x is not
Thus although “(⍳x)(φx)" has no meaning by itself, it
may be substituted for y in any
propositional function fy, and we get
a significant proposition, though not a value of fy.
When ƒ{(⍳x)(φx)}, as above defined, forms part of
some other proposition, we shall say that (⍳x)(φx) has a secondary occurrence. When (⍳x)(φx) has a secondary occurrence, a proposition in which
it occurs may be true even when (⍳x)(φx) does not exist. This applies, e.g. to the proposition: "There is
no such person as the King of France." We may interpret this as
or as ~{(∃c)
. c = (⍳x)(φx)},
if "φx"
stands for "x is King of
France." In either case, what is asserted is that a proposition p in which (⍳x)(φx) occurs is false, and this proposition
p is thus part of a larger proposition. The same applies to such a proposition
as the following: "If France were a monarchy, the King of France would be
of the House of Orleans."
It should be observed that such a proposition as
is ambiguous; it may deny ƒ{(⍳x)(φx)}, in which case it will be true if (⍳x)(φx) does not exist, or it may mean
: φx .
≡x. x = c : ~ƒc,
in which case it can only be true if (⍳x)(φx) exists. In ordinary language, the latter
interpretation would usually be adopted. For example, the proposition "the
King of France is not bald" would usually be rejected as false, being held
to mean "the King of France exists and is not bald," rather than
"it is false that the King of France exists and is bald." When (⍳x)(φx) exists, the two interpretations of
the ambiguity give equivalent results; but when (⍳x)(φx) does not exist, one interpretation is
true and one is false. It is necessary to be able to distinguish these in our
notation; and generally, if we have such propositions as,
y(⍳x)(φx). ⊃ .
p . ⊃ .
y (⍳x)(φx) . ⊃ .
c (⍳x)(φx),
and so on, we must be able by our notation to
distinguish whether the whole or only part of the proposition concerned is to
be treated as the "ƒ(⍳x)(φx)" of our definition. For this
purpose, we will put "[(⍳x)(φx)]" followed by dots at the
beginning of the part (or whole) which is to be taken as ƒ(⍳x)(φx), the dots being sufficiently numerous to bracket off the
ƒ(⍳x)(φx); i.e.
ƒ(⍳x)(φx) is to be everything following the
dots until we reach an equal number of dots not signifying a logical product,
or a greater number signifying a logical product, or the end of the sentence,
or the end of a bracket enclosing "[(⍳x)(φx)]."
[(⍳x)(φx)]. y(⍳x)(φx) . ⊃ .
will mean (∃c) : ≡x . x = c : yc: ⊃ .
but [(⍳x)(φx)] : y(⍳x)(φx)) . ⊃ .
will mean (∃c): φx . ≡x . x = c : yc .
⊃ .
It is important to distinguish these two, for if (⍳x)(φx) does not exist, the first is true and
the second false. Again
[(⍳x)(φx) . ~ y(⍳x)(φx)
will mean (∃c) : φx . ≡x. x = c : ~ yc,
while ~{[(⍳x)(φx)]
. y(⍳x)(φx)}
will mean ~{(∃c) : φx . ≡x . x = c : yc}.
Here again, when (⍳x)(φx) does not exist, the first is false and the
second true.
In order to
avoid this ambiguity in propositions containing (⍳x)(φx), we amend our definition, or rather
our notation, putting
[(⍳x)(φx)] . ƒ(⍳x)(φx) . = : (∃c) : φx . ≡x . x = c : ƒc Df.
By means of this definition, we avoid any doubt as to
the portion of our whole asserted proposition which is to be treated as the
"ƒ(⍳x)(φx)" of the definition. This portion
will be called the scope of (⍳x)(φx). Thus in
[(⍳x)(φx)] . ƒ(⍳x)(φx) . ⊃ .
the scope of (⍳x)(φx) is ƒ(⍳x)(φx); but in
[(⍳x)(φx)] : ƒ(⍳x)(φx) . ⊃ .
the scope is (⍳x)(φx) . ⊃ .
in ~{[(⍳x)(φx)] . ƒ(⍳x)(φx)}
the scope is ƒ(⍳x)(φx) but in
[(⍳x)(φx)] . ~ ƒ(⍳x)(φx)
the scope is
It will be seen that when (⍳x)(φx) has the whole of the proposition
concerned for its scope, the proposition concerned cannot be true unless E!(⍳x)(φx); but when (⍳x)(φx) has only part of the proposition
concerned for its scope, it may often be true even when (⍳x)(φx) does not exist. It will be seen
further that when E!(⍳x)(φx), we may enlarge or diminish the scope
of (⍳x)(φx) as much as we please without altering
the truth-value of any proposition in which it occurs.
If a proposition contains two descriptions, say (⍳x)(φx) and (⍳x)(yx), we have to
distinguish which of them has the larger scope, i.e. we have to distinguish
(1) [(⍳x)(φx)] : [(⍳x)(yx)] . ƒ{(⍳x)(φx), (⍳x)(yx)},
(2) [(⍳x)(yx)] : [(⍳x)(φx)] . ƒ{(⍳x)(φx), (⍳x)(yx)}.
The first of
these, eliminating (⍳x)(φx), becomes
(3) (∃c)
:. φx .
≡x . x = c : [(⍳x)(yx)]. ƒ{c, (⍳x)(yx)},
which, eliminating (⍳x)(yx), becomes
(4) (∃c):. φx . ≡x . x = c :. (∃d) : yx ≡x . x = c : ƒ(c, d),
and the same proposition results if, in (1), we
eliminate first (⍳x)(yx) and then (⍳x)(φx). Similarly (2) becomes, when (⍳x)(φx) and (⍳x)(yx) are eliminated,
(5) (∃d)
:. yx. ≡x
. x = d :. (∃c) :.
φx . ≡x . x = c : ƒ(c, d).
(4) and (5) are equivalent, so that the truth-value of
a proposition containing two descriptions is independent of the question which
has the larger scope. It will be found that, in most cases in which
descriptions occur, their scope is, in practice, the smallest proposition
enclosed in dots or other brackets in which they are contained. Thus for
[(⍳x)(φx)] . y (⍳x)(φx) . ⊃ .
[(⍳x)(φx)] . c (⍳x)(φx)
will occur much more frequently than
[(⍳x)(φx)] : y (⍳x)(φx) . ⊃ .
For this reason it is convenient to decide that, when
the scope of an occurrence of (⍳x)(φx) is the smallest proposition, enclosed in dots
or other brackets, in which the occurrence in question is contained,
the scope need not be indicated by "[(⍳x)(φx)]." Thus e.g.
p . ⊃ .
a = (⍳x)(φx)
will mean p . ⊃ .
(⍳x)(φx)] . a =
and p. ⊃ .
(∃a) .
a = (⍳x)(φx)
will mean p . ⊃ .
[(⍳x)(φx)] . a =
and p. ⊃ .
a ≠ (⍳x)(φx)
will mean p
. ⊃ .
[(⍳x)(φx)] . ~ {a =
but p . ⊃ .
~ {a = (⍳x)(φx)}
will mean p . ~ {[(⍳x)(φx)] . a =
This convention enables us, in the vast majority of
cases that actually occur, to dispense with the explicit indication of the
scope of a descriptive symbol; and it will be found that the convention agrees
very closely with the tacit conventions of ordinary language on this subject.
Thus for example, if "(⍳x)(φx)” is "the so-and-so," "a ≠
(⍳x)(φx)" is to be read "a
is not the so-and-so," which would ordinarily be regarded as implying that
"the so-and-so" exists; but
"~{a = (⍳x)(φx)}" is to be read "it is not
true that a is the so-and-so," which would generally be allowed to hold if
"the so-and-so" does not
exist. Ordinary language is, of course, rather loose and fluctuating in its
implications on this matter; but subject to the requirement of definiteness,
our convention seems to keep as near to ordinary language as possible.
cultures were concerned with life, a life connected to the land and the seasons
and human concerns in which physical possessions were minor, trivial matters to
most people. Society structure was complex and tribal to be sure; but everyone
had their place, and these roles were nearly always voluntary and clearly evident.
In these societies languages were rudimentary by Western standards, but they
held, and still hold great variety and complexity for native speakers. They are
brilliantly functional because they are entirely separate from the
metaphysical, grammatical and rhetorical aspects that are the province of
Chiefs and shamans. A final important aspect to help understand how this worked
is to recall that these cultures were non-material and that money was unknown.
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Sheldon Mayer’s Sugar and SpikeTM © Respective copyright/trademark holders.
This post digs in and offers real clarity to the ambiguity in everyday
language. We can begin to see here the structure to conversation and written
language’s undoing. These aspects are mostly or completely unknown in Indian languages
in North America. It is only in the shaman spirit aspect that metaphysical
thought or communication is required; these served the function of healing,
sciences, religion, agriculture and even a very useful and developed sort of computer
technology very similar to memory based techniques used by the greatest
engineers, architects, artists and clerics in the West for centuries.
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Script: Elliot S! Maggin Pencils and
Inks: Kurt Schaffenberger
Mary Marvel TM © Respective
copyright/trademark holders.
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Harold R. (Hal)
Foster’s Prince Valiant
© Respective
copyright/trademark holders.
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