Friday, February 13, 2015

Comic Book Shaman’s War On Money text edit one 2/13/2014 (19,792 words)

This work is the result of desires, feeling of fear and anger, disbelief at the state of the world I found myself living in, and at 13 years old these two albums convinced me that I didn't have to accept the now, and inspired me to never stop imagining the world I want to live in as well as how to have it.  *Donald Rex Jr

Comic Book Shaman’s War On Money text edit one 2/13/2014             (19,792 words)

Comic Book Shaman’s War On Money text edit one 2/13/2014         (873) 
[revised 2/14/2015]
If not for people there would be no money; no thought of money or need of money: if not for people. Is money the secret strength of human beings; or perhaps its prophylactic to peace and justice, keeping our common planet on its course of degrading and suffering? If this observation appears banal or even puerile on its face, it does beg the question is money essential to the growth of human prosperity in this century, having learned all of the lessons and achieved all of the technological advances of all past time? I suggest that money has morphed from a 14th century boon to bankers and merchants to become at last the great glass barrier to everyone fully utilizing their great human potential, to us each husbanding and best using all natural resources, and distributing what all in more fair, economical and fuel efficient manners. This way, and never by money trickling down on us from on high is the cure for poverty, war, terrorism and perhaps in time even xenophobia.
At our worst we human beings are addicted to money as a palliative drug beyond its prescribed use. Before I can take this equation further, it is imperative that I be clear that its primary constituent constant provides that there be no involuntary loss of capital or property required for its implementation. Since all enterprises evolve as they have done, whether government sanctioned or otherwise, even criminal, to any degree: must even out in this system. This is not to say my equation is immoral, but contemplation may lead to seeing that each ones sin is only a small part of the whole person. Is not even the worst sort of sinner the product of her fate; and who might not have been more fortunate if things had been different?
Next constant in my war on money may be stated don’t believe anything; but be open to accept everything.  Because nothing in the universe is good or bad, right or wrong, or true or false in all cases, and the only excluding factor to be considered is if or not an aspect leads to error.
The great and transformative ideas and acts of human beings are rarely intensional at the start, rather they are mostly defined and redefined as time passes. It is the same with the actions of men and women. Next and the third constant is that persons always add value. In all economic equations this constant is similarly thought to be true, be that truth is largely shortchanged when participation stops flat at a paycheck; the future and mutually earned residual profit is usurped, and claimed to be dispersed to middlemen, retailers, suppliers, taxes, etc. as is commonly accounted by the present system devoted solely to monetary gain.
The final constant may at first seem implicit, yet it seems hardest to achieve in dominant culture at last is simple fair play. Every dog has his day so to speak. Once a minimum provision ensures that every person has some minimum home and food security, each person will then be free and able to gain education or training to the full extent of her capacity; and by this: flourish personally and thus the world will be incrementally improved, one life at a time. 
So these four constant propositions underlying this equational system suggest the calculus that at last begins to connect the previously described 33 variables describing Peace, and the four part offering outlining my assertion of a concept called variable universal happiness. The equation describing the nature of the chief factor my analysis isolates as the largest single human factor preventing the attainment of both; termed Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. By these four constants factored with the 41 indicated variables, may be derived infinite combinations of solutions suitable for application to not just and problem, but to each person’s unique dilemma with any conceivable problem or combination of such preventing their own peace and happiness.
Henry David Thoreau opined that there is little virtue in the actions of masses of men. When we each find our own means to peacefully share our planet Earth together the resulting options too are infinite. As the pollution and the degradation of earth, sky and waters abate, and are cured by all us humans healing each our own life’s purpose. The simplicity of this assertion is only supported by the infinite complexity and the instinctive feeling of truth given in every fact that you, gentile reader have collected in your life; facts of any sort, in any way connected by actual concern for yourself, your loved ones any life on Earth.
Finally this work concludes expression of my metaphysical process. It suggests that each person of our world may discover a viable path herself to have her own peace on earth and good will among all people. This work expressing infinite solutions to all, and every problem; and never yet before, been offered in a comprehensive manner, or asserted to be a definitive system, all-encompassing and without error. The system, while simple in itself, must be stated in this complexity in order to maintain a noble brevity to invite investigation.

i.) Voting is for Suckers  5/14/2014     (602)   [revised 2/14/2015]
"All voting is a sort of gaming, like checkers or backgammon, with a slight moral tinge to it, a playing with right and wrong, with moral questions; and betting naturally accompanies it. The character of the voters is not staked. I cast my vote, perchance, as I think right; but I am not vitally concerned that that right should prevail. I am willing to leave it to the majority. Its obligation, therefore, never exceeds that of expediency.
Even voting for the right is doing nothing for it. It is only expressing to men feebly your desire that it should prevail. A wise man will not leave the right to the mercy of chance, nor wish it to prevail through the power of the majority. There is but little virtue in the action of masses of men.
When the majority shall at length vote for the abolition of slavery, it will be because they are indifferent to slavery, or because there is but little slavery left to be abolished by their vote. They will then be the only slaves. Only his vote can hasten the abolition of slavery who asserts his own freedom by his vote."
On Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

These words cut deeply into me as a boy, and as it has come about in this present century that many of us take this as a clear path to political transition from our corrupt  and inert political leadership to a new, undefined path to a new way of governance for free people NOT of free people by an unresponsive bureaucratic 'government.'
Consider this simple example of a typical election here in the United States and its results:
I am offered a choice of 'Candidate A' and 'Candidate B' on a ballot in common with all other participating voters.
I choose to cast my vote for 'Candidate A'
With this 'choice' I implicitly support any vote, speech or action that candidate chooses to take as my proxy, in any action.
By that same 'choice' I also, by extension equally endorse the same  votes, speech or actions of the 'Candidate B' in the event that that other candidate prevails in the election.
Clearly my endorsement of a candidate as a voter is worthless and impotent, but is regarded by office holder as free justification to do as they like in all cases.
This system lays all true political power at the door of the two principle  political parties, where it is purchased piecemeal by the interests of individuals and corporations who can afford to buy their agenda no matter how contrary to individual's interests nationally.  
Our elected political officeholders are pigs at a trough with no regard for our interests.
Even the Supreme Court of the present Chief Justice John Roberts' regime rules as if it has been bought and paid for and serves only dishonest ends; clearly not those of the people whose interest they were ostensibly appointed  to protect.
Even judicial appointments result from the actions and arrangements of the primary political parties; as chips in their power game that they hold to be two opposing sides, but this is not at all clear to be true.
This is merely my analysis of our present government, the prescription of its change and improvement is the result described by my entire equation; as and as described in the subsequent posts on this work. But the result of the mass public withdrawal from participating in voting for national candidates will be that the Emperor will be shown to wear no clothes!

ii.)Profit (Micro) Requires Consideration       5/17/2014   (185)   [revised 2/14/2015]

"If you are describing any occurrence... make two or more distinct reports at different times... We discriminate at first only a few features, and we need to reconsider our experience from many points of view and in various moods in order to perceive the whole."  
 Henry David Thoreau 

As a business owner, tradesperson, creator, marketer or any sort of vendor, the decisions and actions you choose to employ to operate day to day, and long term may be referred to as micro economic aspects. This designation because your decisions and actions largely affect your own business alone for the most part.

Also with responsibility for ones own business there includes the liability for the consequences of our decisions and actions. On a mico level our business is restrained from encroaching onto others properties, or legal prerogatives by the threat of those others taking  recourse under the law. Thus business operators at a micro level must take every outside interaction under careful consideration because it can eat away scarce profit, if not risk fiscal disaster.

iii.)Profit (Macro) Defeats Consideration       5/21/2014       (496)   [revised 2/14/2015]

    "My books I'd fain cast off, I cannot read
    'Twixt every page (for) my thoughts go stray (to) at large
    Down in the meadow, where is (found) richer feed,
    And (that) will not mind to hit their (his thought’s) proper target."
     The Summer Rain, st. 1 (1842)   Henry David Thoreau  

When men decide it is profitable to take a longer, macro view, of economic reasoning and consider economic activity as an aggregate of the profit and loss within a given economy, or of many distinct economies; he must relinquish the necessary requirements of the existent micro operation of all persons, businesses, industries, established contracts, and networks, and essential processes of operation presently supporting the profitability each.

The abstract goal of the study, and then the affecting of existing economies by taking a macro approach within and/or across an economy; is ostensibly to improve conditions for everyone by increasing the efficiencies and also by this, the total activity and profitability, generally, within the economies. This is said to be achieved by increasing efficiency, reducing or eliminating redundancy, and eliminating those non-productive aspects wherever they are targeted. This is supposed, and represented as beneficial to everyone, also termed ‘trickle down,’ and that is solely an intentionally deceptive macro-economic concept.

Objective analysis of the actual results of macro-economic planning, and its demonstrated results in any economy concerned, proves only that its product is merely statistical justification for robbing workers, businesses, supply networks and investors of their present employment, their customers, and their profits, in order to redistribute this wealth and property to increasingly narrow and wealthy interests.

In fact this macro view towards increasing efficiencies and max profitability within an economy proves at last to require us to disregard all useful established micro-economic practices, especially encluding honest care, pride of workmanship, attention to the best interest of customers, employees, and planning for the future growth and viability of individual entities and employment within the economy. These practices thus become superseded by the narrow interests of creating profits for those who have political power and the financial resources to affect the latter, and to acquire the former in changing the status quo to the favor of both. This with no regard for the persons who suppose that they themself grant that political power by voting, and whose labor created the wealth held now by others that disregard them entirely. 

It would be a mistake to believe that the wealthy ‘interests and persons,’ who profit by this, and by the politicians they have bought with their wealth, are entirely nefarious in their intent or their actions. Instead they seem more likely to be misguided by a short sighted perception of the place of profit (money) in the hierarchy of values; and who should benefit. What good intentions are believed by, or expressed by their media faces to be the benefits derived from macro-economic actions, in actual widespread institution of all such, overestimates that utility in fact; and especially fails to attend to the mitigation of the unintended difficulties that those actions create.


iv.) Rolling Wheel: Out of Control? or Going the Right Way?         5/22/2014            (706)
    "Is a democracy, such as we know it, the last improvement possible in government? Is it not possible to take a step further towards recognizing and organizing the rights of man? There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all its own power and authority are derived, and treats him accordingly. I please myself with imagining a State at least which can afford to be just to all men, and to treat the individual with respect as a neighbor; which even would not think it inconsistent with its own repose if a few were to live aloof from it, not meddling with it, nor embraced by it, who fulfilled all the duties of neighbors and fellow-men. A State which bore this kind of fruit, and suffered it to drop off as fast as it ripened, would prepare the way for a still more perfect and glorious State, which also I have imagined, but (have) not yet anywhere seen."
    Henry David Thoreau   from On Civil Disobedience (1849)
One important aspect of any equation is your decision about whether it is useful, and if the problem it purports to address is important to you at all. The aim of my equation expressed in this blog is essentially to encourage my readers to perhaps fill in any gaps that exist in their thought process, that may prevent connecting numerous problems around the world, nationally, and even in your own life to a common source of all these problems.
All of these problems are rooted in deficits in individual human beings' perceptions of objects; including money, government, education and responsibility. Archaic structures of government are based on fallacious conceptions concerning the benefit of collective actions based on traditional democratic principles. Democracy has plainly proven itself a clumsy, wolf in sheep’s clothing, perhaps once it was the very best human beings could manage to govern themself, even while always acknowledging its shortcomings. Today democracy is toxic to all but the wealthy who purchase political power and even judicial decisions all the way to, in my analysis, the present Chief Justice John Roberts led Supreme Court of the United States. The decisions handed down in his tenure have so aggravated the disparity between rich and poor, that these may be termed criminal in their apparent brazen redistribution of wealth and thus political influence to an increasingly narrow cohort of corporate interests and wealthy individuals; whose interests are plainly regarded as taking precedence over those of less privileged persons.
The legislature is not less culpable in this drastic transfer of wealth over the past decades. The polarization of interest by the two important political parties, aggravated by the advent of the 24 hour news cycle that leads persons with little time to seriously attempt to understand all of the important issues that affect them. Most consume one sided newscasts as they choose a brand of beer; always reinforcing static perceptions, because no opposing perspectives ever even come to their notice. Again these interactions of legislators and news media and corporate and wealthy interests act to divide and conquer the population who are oppressed by a deficit of both money and time, and have little ability to know or research the ‘information’ reported to them by media sources.  
As for the executive function of government, there is little of substance that it can accomplish in light of the stubborn gridlock that has ground governance to a mere giveaway to the privileged contributors to public office holders.
These are only my own conclusions by analysis of world and national events. I do not assert any ultimate ‘truth’ in these observations; however I do assert that they cannot be shown to be in error. We seem to be today at the cusp of real change in our society, and technological advances in communications and availability of access to data at affordable costs make change not just possible, but certain. However it is not phones and computers that make it inevitable, it is only the intent and self-education of individual persons that in the end will prevail.
v.) a spring, or a pulley, or a rope, or a crank - Compromise = Governance         5/23/2014               (795)
       If…injustice is part of the necessary friction of the machine of government, let it go, let it go; perchance it (the friction) will wear (it) smooth — certainly the machine will wear out. If the injustice has a spring, or a pulley, or a rope, or a crank, exclusively for itself, then perhaps you may consider whether the remedy (your trouble & effort to change it) will not be worse than the evil (the injustice), but if it is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law. Let your life be a counter friction to stop the machine. What I have to do is to see, at any rate, that I do not lend myself to the wrong which I condemn.” 
   Henry David Thoreau     from On Civil Disobedience (1849)
Our present political system of operating our government is completely broken. So intentionally and irrationally polarized are the prominent political parties controlling our government, in cahoots with the elected office holders and correspondingly distinct news media; that compromise cannot be even allowed to appear to exist. Any such function of proposed agreement by office holders of either party with their opposite number is immediately broadcast by the respective lap dog media platforms, these claiming ‘betrayal of principle’ and ‘unworthiness for re-election.’
The caliber of candidates for higher office today in the United States is so poor, and self-aware of this fact, that these creatures are virtually interchangeable once elected, so they do not dare attempt any action except bend to the winds that may blow from polls of their donors and as bid by media reportage.
This state of events can hardly be termed government at all; from its undeniable results plainly observable in the acts of our elected office holders in 2014, and rooted directly back to the Ronald Reagan administration. Rather than a functional government, we are experiencing a systematic redistribution of the savings, labor and even homes and possessions of American citizens and others living here, of moderate income levels, to an increasingly narrow group if Wealthy persons, their minions, and various corporate interests. This is being perpetrated brazenly by buying power by the proverbial ‘1%,’ acting thus as if they are buying elections on eBay, and also control of entire media platforms like bush league sports franchises.
So, news cycle to news cycle, election cycle to primaries to election cycle, we have gone about our lives knowing something is badly wrong, but not quite able to see it, or actually believe what is happening to us all. International treaties send jobs and even the capital equipment that workers here once operated, to overseas. And so called ‘good jobs’ are almost completely gone from manufacturing, leaving at best medical, government, data services and the arts as the only way to earn a decent level of income. ‘Higher education,’ health insurance, a home, a family are largely unattainable for anyone who cannot get financial help from their family or elsewhere. Even military combat veterans get tissue treatment by a corrupt Congress that cares only for the money that gives them power and advantage.
Present governance = swindle, that is my analysis based on ate result of the equation I am presenting in this blog. I am relating great complexity here, broken down to bite sized chunks. I want to emphasize strongly that the state we are in is mainly our own fault; in living our lives oblivious of the many factors, political and economic that mow hay out of our distraction. It is the incredible escalation of greed and disregard for their fellow persons that have attracted these wealthy and powerful pigs to the though. Dick Cheney, Carl Rove, Mr. Burns, while certainly evil in intent, cannot be seen as capable of engineering this money drain by design. Life does not happen that way, only thus in comic books. Look into the mirror to see the person who can change this economic and class based tyranny.
I offer this equation as a tool to put all the things you already know onto a framework that will give you a perspective not only of how we got to this sad economic and political state; but how we can win back our nation by peaceful means.
If you would like to learn more about advanced equation-al thought, such as is practiced by native new world shamans for thousands of years, go to my Logical Philosophy blog HANblogLAKA to read my interpretation of Bertrand Russell’s contribution to Whitehead and Russell’s misunderstood ‘Principia Mathematica’ a stiff workout for the mind.+ Russell stumbled into thinking like an Indian.
vi.) Service of Random Kindness                               5/26/2014            (698)
    "The fate of the country does not depend on how you vote at the polls — the worst man is as strong as the best at that game; it does not depend on what kind of paper you drop into the ballot-box once a year, but on what kind of man (person) you drop from your chamber into the street every morning. "
     Henry David Thoreau  from 'Slavery in Massachusetts' (1854)
The most important thing in my life has proven to be giving my service to other people. All of my ideas and intentions have self-serving aspects I admit, but this does not diminish the good that incorporating service and kindness to others has done for me, as much as for those I mean  to serve. I became a Buddhist monk ‘in fact,’ that is I took my 6 vows and have faithfully kept them for 25 years. I took this path as a means of learning, concentrating, observing, listening to find out, I have no idea what. The unknown became so attractive that an ordinary life, job, wife, or family became completely out of the question for me. What comfort or rewards these offered has been defeated for me by the responsibilities they brought with them.
Making the decision to accept the responsibility of a family, employment and every aspect these, brings this; the chief causality of every person is the loss of their time. Pinched for time, it is thus so often that kindness is the first thing that that we abandon, for giving our time to another is often the kindest thing that we can possibly do for them. We feel that money becomes the same thing as time, because we sell so much of our precious time for money, but then fail to realize that we gladly give much more money to have some of our time back.
It is impossible now for me to separate responsibility from service to others. I can’t believe that all of the help and the love others have given me throughout my life was only due to my own personality; and fully deserved at all. In fact it is clear that I am selfish and self-serving in the bulk of my decisions and actions. That said, still I can say that each kindness I have received, eventually I have recognized as such, even when it didn’t always seem as such in the moment. So in time I became able to recognize the suffering in other persons who I meet; and come to recognize it as my own. In this light it becomes natural to spare a moment to be with a person who wants comfort, as so many have done for me in my life.
In our culture of ‘no time to spare’ we view helping others as a deduction from our paycheck, or a dollar handed out the window to a standing vet or other unhappy person.  Don’t mistake kindness for a hurried handout; that is welcome, do doubt, but beyond a bite to eat many persons really need a kind ear to pour out their suffering, for that is truly different from talking to the air. And remember most, that in listening to the suffering of others, that you cannot solve their problems for them really, but in listening to them it is possible for one to work it through for themselves. Eventually a solution may present itself to them. We can never really know the result of the kindness we do for others, and maybe it is best that way.
This blog presents an equation with 33 distinct variables, each of which every reader already has some familiarity. The key to my intention is to show that there is no hierarchy of importance to these ideas, but instead they are harmonious and meaningful separately but more so taken together as a whole. With the ability together to guide us to a clear understanding of who, what, where and when and why the agents of deception in society are getting away with their special crimes, we have to figure that for ourselves today, cause the media is paid to confuse us. 

vii) Decisions Are Made One and One and One and One Each Her Own   (475)
"I am a parcel of vain striving tied
By a chance bond together.
 Henry David Thoreau  from poem Sic Vita, st. 1 (1841)"
Tip O’Neil famously observed that “all politics are local.” This from a far past era when politicians yet felt some responsibility to their constituents; and even often still worked to reach reasonable compromise, in service of course, to the interests of home districts primarily, and after to the moneyed interests, only tangentially.
I observe today that such ‘honest graft’ is of the far past decades, and that elected principal office holders now serve only their parties, who endorse them to hapless participating voters; and to the various moneyed financiers of their campaigns, these bought from branded media vendors supporting one of the two respective parties in control. Using the control of access to the source of most news content, government spokespeople; media vendors are made the lapdogs of the political parties and the ‘campaign contributors’ who buy both at once. National legislation is sold remarkably cheaply to them for they are even allowed to write it themselves for their own profit; causing directly the downfall of our national economy, employment and security.
We are fed confusion by a 24 hour news-cycle composed chiefly of one to three minute bites of the apple representing the knowledge of good and evil done to us in our governance by our corrupt and deliberately ineffectual government. Clearly the result is this: all politics are now individual.
Activism is personal, and solutions are nowhere to be found collectively or within the status quo. Linguistic tactics used including such terms as as ‘race,’ ‘injustice,’ ‘environment,’ ‘freedom fries,’ 'Benghazi' etc. are distortions cynically used to divide and misdirect us from understanding, and into distraction, emotionalism and fear where the very opposites are called for. We are controlled, pacified by the difficulty and confusion built into our lives, that saps what energy we have; to labor to dispel it, on top of our all of responsibilities of ‘earning our living.’
I will expand in coming variables on political linguistic distortion tactics used against us and how the deliberate imprecision of government spokespeople and the media, in service of wealthy interests and corporations, (distinct from the shareholder’s actual interests); and as these affect every aspect of our society. This ‘cancer’ goes to the very ‘marrow of government’ and the patient is terminal. Redemption lies only in individual self-determination of us each our own-education, time, and money resources. American democracy is now as archaic as empire, and the cause of the demise of each system is the rise of corruption in each of those ruling systems; and the corresponding rise in the power available to their subject populations.
Quoting the bard: “war is over if you want it.”
viii) War With Distraction//Peace With Diffusion part 1 ( Shaman Process)             5/29/2014            (374)
    "The Indian...stands free and unconstrained in Nature, is her inhabitant and not her guest, and wears her easily and gracefully. But the civilized man has the habits of the house. His house is a prison." 
    Henry David David Thoreau  April 26, 1841
My plan is to do a daily post and knock this equation out in about two months maintaining a five post a week schedule and get this out of my system and down in readable form. My manic bipolar mind crunches equations like this all the time, frankly several at a time is my want as my 'normal' life progresses. My routine is to go for a couple of double espressos and bat out a post in less than an hour.
Tonight I hit a common snag, that of tackling a variable that is plainly simple in my own perception, but linguistically balloons into greater complexity of itself, that is a greater number of component variables is contained in it, than the equation it is a part of contains as a whole. Metaphysically this tends to defeat my purpose, because to express this in spoken or written language requires too much exposition to be useful to that purpose.
As I began tonight, I realized I needed an outline to work from, which in my hour evolved thus far:
Fortunately for this project, virtually everyone is familiar with the subject; enough to forgo defining each of these component parts of the variable under examination. for the aim of this post is to demonstrate the distraction that has evolved in the relations, responsibilities and clear intentions of the players in our political system and its relation to government and so to us all, we persons bearing its yoke.
The above simple equation clearly fleshes out to somewhere just south of infinity; if one were fool enough to go that way. Every single reader can easily double the complexity above in well below an hour with no real effort. So I say to you why bother with this distraction, in metaphysical pursuit, or as a system of archaic governance and systematic robbery thereby? My self I have better use of my attention.
ix) War With Distraction/Peace With Diffusion Part 2       5/29/2014            (374)
    "I came into this world, not chiefly to make this a good place to live in, but to live in it, be it good or bad.  They who know of no purer sources of truth, who have traced up its stream no higher, stand, and wisely stand, by the Bible and the Constitution, and drink at it there with reverence and humility; but they who behold where it comes trickling into this lake or that pool, gird up their loins once more, and continue their pilgrimage toward its fountain-head. "
    Henry David Thoreau  from On Civil Disobedience (1849)
Of course anything you read on line is iffy at best; some things are true and some are not. I put a  lot of work finding the truth about my future wife I met on Facebook and who has lived in Lagos Nigeria.
 Another hour over, coffee this time, and leaving behind a pile of bits of paper on the table I took these two pieces to complete this post. If you can decipher my hand I think my point is made clear both in the text and the form presented in this variable. Only the names, or labels floating around tell my story in this part of the equation; I will wager everyone who reads this will understand many things about each component  label, and each will have her own interpretation of how the pieces connect in her own world view and present reality.
This is ultimately why the distraction is so deep in our culture and each our own lives. The variation of subjective values among all of these examples, and countless others are constantly in flux. For this reason I don't believe in villains or in heroes. At worst or at best the thing we do are mainly our best guess at going forward without error. Subjectively any combination that we determine as true or false is easy enough to decide on based on our intent or desire. But objectively all equations plainly reveal their errors plainly. The amount of exposition we tell ourself or tell others to justify our equation point to how we wish to ignore our error.
x.) Every One Has Their Thoughts And Desires    6/2/2014              (634)
    "It is a great art to saunter"
    Henry David Thoreau - April 26, 1841"
Everyone has their own thoughts and desires
This is an obvious truth, and its practical amplification by the advent of technology and affordable world-wide communications, goes far to support my contention that democracy has become undesirable and inadequate to serve our needs in this Century, and going forward. Its sole function has become to redistribute the money, possessions and precious time of the mass of citizens for the profit of those with wealth; and who buy power and influence with that wealth.
In continuing to cling the beloved illusion of archaic democracy we cannot see it is a myth, and that it is now in fact, the chief agent of our national economic decline and much suffering to all Americans, alike. Advocates for our present political decision makers and their decisions cling fearfully to their own inability to imagine, let alone believe anything superior to the status quo; and let me immediately admit: that my only idea is, and that is now expressed in my latest equation discussed in this blog, simply put that I advocate that we shall all become better educated every day that passes: and that everyone should be okay with their own life.
The terrible recent misogynistic murder spree by the deranged boy who believed the crap his life of sterile media content consumed could not comport to a desirable life for himself. Even though he felt he had done all that media told him to do and have that chicks go for reliably, but it was just a wash for him. It is only aggravating the broad issue to feel punitive towards a deranged child, one who got hold a loaded gun legally. I can’t think of a thing to justify this behavior, certainly nothing to excuse this person’s crime. And so now this one is dead  too, as I reckon they all end up lately.
Until we realize these hopeless killers are spawned in desperation, not in a vacuum. They are born into in the clutches of unfiltered media and without the rudder of parental care and  with not even receiving loving mentoring, as is the responsibility we all bear towards one another. The latest 'news' item noted, proves money is not a total cure, nor poverty the logical cause of suffering to me at least, don't 'ya think?
Hey look!   This is a great spot to add penal service and punitive judicial sentencing as revenue for the government we have won by cutting tax rates of those persons most blessed with dough; and all the past decades waiting, believing the necessary tax giveaways to the wealthy and tricky too must one day trickle down. Down at last onto the families swimming, swiming around under their mortgaged homes. Persons who are 'informed' by media scources they are poor victims and who may think they will drown dead; if they were to pay more to keep the house, keep it by struggling and suffering poverty (not consuming), because it is said to cost (here commonly represented as 'debt') more than it is worth; the same home that the same family had lately wanted so much.
This of is all stuff we can handle ourselves with the depressurization of our time allocation, and things would be better almost immediately for most people if the ambiguity of my proposals yet merit consideration and transmission. I am presently preparing to publish as E-Books a body of 11 finished texts of my own Manic Recapitulation of my experiences as an artist in four decades In Life, Art, Logical Philosophy, and all else interesting to me. In this full chapter of my forthcoming volume of pre-towers work, I expand this post.
xi.) We Can No Longer Pretend to Know What is in Play 6/4/2014              (474)
"I saw that the State was half-witted, that it was timid as a lone woman with her silver spoons, and that it did not know its friends from its foes, and I lost all my remaining respect for it, and pitied it."
    Henry David Thoreau  from On Civil Disobedience (1849)
At some point in history government bureaucrats confidently put forth collected facts and figures to define most aspects of national production and trade in commodities and manufactured products, and could even account for a reliable census, and even to a degree, control immigration to this country.  Thus making aggregate, the figures for attempting:  forward predictions, to be used in central planning to benefit industry, and creating infrastructure to benefit business and employment.  Yes there was a time in history where this was perhaps feasible, if of course, it always accompanied by profiteering by the wealthy, and grafting public office holders. No one really believes this is remotely possible today in terms of meaningful statistics leading to any real national benefit; and the drain of middle class prosperity has become a grim joke to persons working away with little prospect for prosperity.
The very concept of maximum profitability (Max/Prof) has undermined the countless intangible assets of all companies, professions and commodities and the traditional markets they have inhabited or always until now supported. This makes us minnows swimming, working, waiting to be swallowed up by the next big fish who buys and sells our livelihood for a fast buck in their pocket.
Resulting thus in effect, that no one can say with certainty; anything about anything, beyond the narrow sphere of aspects directly related to her personal life. Consider the part your mechanic needs to repair your trusty old car. It lies far away, waiting to come overnight, if it can be located at all. If it does come, it is as likely as not to be, not quite right, or else some other repair may be needed to, at last, get you on the road again. This expansion of the chronological aspect of an automobile repair is reflected by the decline of the auto and auto parts industry indicative mainly, of the steep decline in the income of former customers for fleets of new cars each year among those formerly called ‘workers’ but who are now valued only as consumers. 
Shifting of middle class savings, from bank accounts into gun collections has caused mass chaos about every aspect of our society. Money, patriotism, family, self-preservation, mass murder, health care delivery, taxation without real representation, anger, sorrow; and at last, the end of our own functional governance, and the murder of American democracy.  And just try to find most indie comic books for sale currently in a typical local comic shop (lcs).
xii.) There Is No Legislating Out  Of The Status Quo           6/5/2014              (348)
    "All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to, and to resist, the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable. But almost all say that such is not the case now. But such was the case, they think, in the Revolution of '75.
    If one were to tell me that this was a bad government because it taxed certain foreign commodities brought to its ports, it is most probable that I should not make an ado about it, for I can do without them.
    All machines have their friction; and possibly this does enough good to counterbalance the evil. At any rate, it is a great evil to make a stir about it. But when the friction comes to have its machine, and oppression and robbery are organized, I say, let us not have such a machine any longer.  "
    Henry David Thoreau   from On Civil Disobedience (1849)
We are here in the present moment together, ruled by a degenerate group posing as patriots and concerned with the public good; while every action they take publicly brands them as criminals in intent and in action. Pigs at the trough of our ever diminishing prosperity. Looking up at times of re-election to urge reform by voting their own opponents out of power by diligently voting voting voting. "We will bring change," "the 'our' party has only your interests in our hearts," etc. etc. etc.
It is a cynical game they play, slight of hand where we grab for the 'pea' of reform under the shell of false promises that never come to pass.The problems and obstacles preventing any prayer of changing the gravy train of our own elected public office holders? I explore aspects  in the sub equation below- every variable is sadly understood too well; by most anyone reading this blog. This is just a handy tool collecting many in one meme; but also i betcha each of you can add a few tentacles I have neglected.
xiii.) Static Perception Arrested Thought/ Impediments to Progress         (364)   
"My work consists of two parts: the one presented here plus all that I have not written. And it is precisely this second part that is the important part one."    
    Ludwig Wittgenstein
An individual aspect such as this is difficult to describe sensibly, so I will just rely on the title of this equation to express the major part of my meaning. I think the best I can describe my thesis of this phrase is this: everything is in a constant state of change, but often we just cannot notice it.
This is a human, and natural in light of the complexity of every person’s life and of all its concerns, day to day. We go on in a comfortable routine most of our lives, pausing in confusion when our old habits no longer serve us as they once did. We don’t see ourselves this way of course, but can see it plainly in others around us. A parent seems not to realize that we are now adults, and insist upon patronizing us. Friends may go on attached to old ways that we now have lost interest in doing; those wedding bells are breaking up this old gang of mine.
These changes are rooted in each our individual chronological needs and desires. This makes a rich tapestry of lives lived well, but many choose to ignore change, in favor of clinging to a comfortable simplicity we may weave into a cocoon to shield us from ambiguous uncertainty brought on by continuous  interactions with others. This aspect of human nature is, by itself a root of tremendous suffering in everyone’s life to some degree. We may cling to certain T V programs, sports teams, unhappy employment or ineffective political cell-group and its office holders; because these are capable of providing a seeming security in this uncertain world.
The expression of this metaphysical observation has to transcend the function of language, the description I have written above would have little weight of meaning, except for the fact that you the reader have, to some extent, encountered the truth of my assertion as a fact of your own life.
xiv.) Actual May Be (only) Perception     6/7/2014              (188)
 "It takes an extraordinary intelligence to contemplate the obvious."
    Alfred North Whitehead
In the early 1980s I realized I was only really able to observe, understand and make meaningful artworks by seeing with multiple perspectives. Otherwise the result of my work shows only a partial aspect, and unless this is my intention in making a work, or it is made for a commercial purpose, such work has little satisfaction for me.
If we could read one another’s minds, perhaps we could completely convey our ideas and our meaning clearly to another person without misunderstandings. But for the most part we have only language to communicate, and even to think with by ourselves; so in some way every thought, and every expression diviates in some way from our intension. So in attempting to embroider with details in attempt to be specific requires exposition, whether speaking or in written language; and exposition requires an increased chronological element to express, and this factor demands attention, concentration, and often great energy to attempt to know the result of any given extended, complex use of language.

xv.) Money Went ‘Round The Bend        6/10/2014            (634)
  "Never give a sucker an even break" 
      William Claude Fields (film title)      
Money can be simple and useful to anyone. Money has a price like nearly everything in this country has; generally most all working people pay that price chronologically, with their precious time. The time we work for a paycheck, the effort we give, the forgoing of other desired activities or repose. Also we may pay for our money with objects we create or have acquired to later exchange for cash money. These things and others are innocuous aspects of money that we can see and even trust, if making money seems to us to be the root constituting the parameters of our life here on earth, the core of our worthiness and our defense against all adversity.
Money always transcends being the simple tool supporting these purposes as it masses in the control of any individual or group. Its aspect changes in certain fundamental ways, in its own nature, but also its uses change, according to infinite perspectives of those who control it. A bank, a large business interest, a corporation, a university, a hospital, a church, a philanthropist, a money market manager, a stock or commodities trader; each of these has different perspectives on raising and using huge amounts of money, and the results of each constitutes a separate and distinct nature of the affect that money has and also what that nature will be in the future.
As a result of the oligarchic acquisition of so many brand name companies in the food, retail, entertainment industries, as well as oil, commodities, and transportation into the hands of a few big corporations controlled by fewer and fewer very wealthy individuals. Disappearing is that everyone has lost sight of the origin of these huge fortunes, and the ones who control it conceive that they alone have earned the fruits of a million others labor and consumption as the natural order rewarding their virtue and acumen; by our dedication to property rights and democratic values.
Thus, because money has 'gone ‘round the bend' and out of sight, we no longer see it, or think about it as an object of all of our common creation, which it most certainly is, at this level of velocity, that money is moving away from us. When this nation was truly prosperous, the functioning governance taxed those gains as much as 90%, to the howls of the extremely wealthy, but to the huge benefit to the middle classes who had such a growth in their standard of living that new, and constantly expanding sources of new fortunes were to be discovered.
Those hated and reviled taxes built roads bridges, dams,’ culverts, flood prevention projects, national parks and capital projects in 50 states, fleets of vehicles and equipment; and also education and employment for millions of ourselves and our neighbors. I’m not suggesting that the asshole Ronald Reagan and his ideological progeny were not patriotic and honest in their well-meaning belief in their doctrines of economic and governance; but judged by their resulting devastation to our national economy it is clear that  crowd had, and still exhibits little understanding of the trouble they cause by putting ideology and bigotry at the very front of their theoretical political equation of governance, where they should not have been at all. To be complete in my analysis, that Clinton guy was equally destructive in his trade treaties and arrogant hail-fellow -well-met distractions; but I like the Obama, he is Presidential and reasonable, this is the way an executive functions, honestly and effectively. Do not take these analytical assessments as partisan endorsements, for I despise all political parties, and see only the actions and the results of men and woman in office without partisan filter.
xvi.) Weeping and Gnashing of teeth      6/13/2014            (542)
“1 And Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables, and said,
2 The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son,
3 And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come.
4 Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage.
5 But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise:
6 And the remnant took his servants, and entreated them spitefully, and slew them.
7 But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city.
8 Then saith he to his servants, the wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy.
9 Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage.
10 So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests.
 11 And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment:
 12 And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless.
 13 Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him
    into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
 14 For many are called, but few are chosen.”
          Jesus of Nazareth - Matthew 22; 1-14
That great New Testament economist/philosopher Jesus points out in this parable that life is good for everyone, but also whether you are a king, or a guy off the street invited to a wedding party, shit happens, so we have to just deal with it and keep going. We are alive in the present moment and in a very real sense each moment is an eternity that we cannot escape. How we chose to regard the moment we find ourselves in, is largely indicative of  how we are likely to feel about each of our lives’ moments. Our mere determination that the present moment is “good” or ‘bad,’ is a perspective that affects every aspect of our fear, our unhappiness, or our satisfaction with the things life brings us.
In attempting to always assure our desired outcomes prevail, the opposites we strive to defeat only grow in resistance and gain ever more power over us. For example it is to be observed that in present governance the conservative faction seeks to legislate the parameters of future legislation; thus hoping to exclude arbitrary issues they despise. Believing in, and instigating such legislation certainly assures the worst possible outcome, and they would find the results much better if they would honestly negotiate those outcomes when they arise.  Instead these cowardly acts, commonly done by our legislators, find us collectively weeping and gnashing our teeth.

xvii.) A distortion of every nature; is at the base of every equation           6/24/2014            (332)
    " Every poet has trembled on the verge of Science.
    If you are describing any occurrence... make two or more distinct reports at different times... We discriminate at first only a few features, and we need to reconsider our experience from many points of view and in various moods in order to perceive the whole."
    Henry David Thoreau Quotes from Journals (1838-1859)
Here the title is the whole essence of this variable proposition I think. If it suggests a certainty to you; then it’s all good. If you have read very far in this blog, but still are not comfortable with how the above title serves this function, don’t worry, this bit here just boosts all of the other, sister variables.
dichotomies of distortions
In conventional thought we depend heavily of concepts true and false, good and bad, wrong and right; and applying them as labels onto people, ideas, objects, and all sorts of aspects of our lives. We want these to simplify our life. But we see that persons, and other interests that we are fond of, have ever changing natures to them; that may even thus give us pleasure. We each have a capacity, for our sphere containing our comfortable ambiguity, and of course varies from person to person.
don’t let the sound of your own wheels
It is only in disregarding these distortions, that we make serious errors that divert and change our actions, preventing us from having our intended result. When we are convinced of the permanence of anything on Gods good earth, it is just another inevitable error coming sure. Understand that errors are frequent in everyone’s lives, and for the most part they have little effect, or sometimes even turn out for the best.
Remember that nothing is ever true or false in all cases, and when one attempts to assert a truth to be ‘eternal,’ or ‘natural;’ she arrives at nonsense.
Systematic Ambiguity
Dedicated to Angelique and Ashley
The universe consists
of objects which occur
having various qualities
and standing in
various relations. etc.

xviii.) All Problems integrated, reduced, and reconstructed          8/29/2014            (576)
    "Unjust laws exist; shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavor to amend them, and obey them until we have succeeded, or shall we transgress them at once? Men generally, under such a government as this, think that they ought to wait until they have persuaded the majority to alter them. They think that, if they should resist, the remedy would be worse than the evil. But it is the fault of the government itself that the remedy is worse than the evil. It makes it worse. Why is it not more apt to anticipate and provide for reform? Why does it not cherish its wise minority? Why does it cry and resist before it is hurt? Why does it not encourage its citizens to be on the alert to point out its faults, and do better than it would have them?  Why does it always crucify Christ, and excommunicate Copernicus and Luther, and pronounce Washington and Franklin rebels?"
    Henry David Thoreau  On Civil Disobedience (1849)
I find very often, that the plan I am working on doesn’t quite fit the nature I want to prevail in it. It needs to be worn in a bit and rethought, and other aspects in proximity may have to change as well for it to be a good fit. Remember that it is never just one thing that defeats you, or just one thing that drives you forward. You always have a choice; to pursue a single narrow, dedicated course is not really better than another more broad interest, and we only know looking back, what actually was the result of our intent.
The problem is the bigness
When our plans are born of a budget, and a plan to profit as a main consideration; then I say that the result is as likely to be an albatross as a attainment. This is an inherent drawback inevitable in any sort of collaboration, even with oneself. The real problem is the bigness of the project’s aspect nature cuts off and stilts the surrounding natures. By this I mean any people, businesses, contracts, time etc. affected by this bigness. This may be good for some and less good for others. So, life goes on.

  Monkey See
Like the sand in a stream we are all made; shaped by effects of time and force upon us. We drift along accumulating scraps of identity, and shedding them like lizard skins.  Start to finish, it is a constant for all persons alike, and so many trap themselves in not reaching beyond their own expectation. By integration in this manner, and always with kindness, we accrue certain power that cannot be harnessed, but is certainly to be used. Used by anyone.
Catch Your own Perception
Reduce, integrate, reconstruct; there is infinite ways to see a given problem. You are totally in charge of what is big or small in nearly all situations. Please catch your own perception. If you can allow yourself to change your perception of variables when the need is apparent the plan comes closer to integration. You control changes in your own money, time, education, your beauty and self- worth as you move through life in a way that makes sense to you. It is no good having our life dictated; by finance, by fate or by luck. Better to use those things to live the life you want to.
ixx.) Care For Distraction               7/1/2014              (484)
    “I found in myself, and still find, an instinct toward a higher, or, as it is named, spiritual life, as do most men,
    and another (''instinct') toward a primitive rank and savage one, and I reverence them both.
    I love the wild not less than the good. The wildness, and adventure that are in fishing still, recommended it to me. I     l     like sometimes to take rank hold on life; and spend my day more as the animals do.”
    “The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready, and it may be a long time before they get off.”
    “There are nowadays professors of philosophy, but not philosophers. Yet it is admirable to profess; because it was once admirable to live.
    To be a philosopher is not merely to have subtle thoughts, nor even to found a school, but so to love wisdom as to live according to its dictates, a life of simplicity, independence, magnanimity, and trust.”
    Henry David Thoreau – Walden
Having recognized that every word, thought and action we take, ends up a distortion of our own perfect intention; perhaps we would become immobile and unable to move forward at all, except for our own tendencies to be easily distracted.
One would not be wrong to dismiss this; as making too fine a distinction; but on the other hand a shaman reckons that this is 'key' in aspect translation into a determined chronological factor. By this I mean to say that every aspect of life, an object , an idea, perhaps a person, each of these we interpret as a translation of the information we perceive and as it integrates with all that you already know, of that aspect. Separately but instantly there attaches a chronological reckoning as each of the variable factors into a given equation; sort of a boy girl spectrum deal. Whether it is the trigonometrical sequence calculated in every driving experience, or spending unplanned hours getting ready to go, it is natural to fall into a groove of individual perception, 
It is not very important to consciously gauge these chronological factors precisely, only to be aware that this small distraction exists; exists in everything there is. But the more your life is clearly defined, and comfortable, these considerations hold for mere entertainment sake. However artists, outdoorspeople, athletes, gamers, and anyone who enjoys creativity can play this little distraction into infinite perspectives.
I believe after some time I will expand on this and other posts into a more conventional English language narrative, as this bit presented is 4d thought, that is, it is most useful with a good deal of pretext. However it is my intention to present in this blog, as simply one step expanded from my original equation; Why Don’t I Have More Money; Why Don’t I Have More Time.
xx.) Commerce and industry must be viable without subsidy       7/5/2014              (244)
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately(;) to confront only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach (me)(;) and (so) not when I came to die(;) discover that I had not lived.
I (do) did  not wish to live(;) what (is) was not life, living is so dear; nor (do)did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep, and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so;sturdily and Spartan-like(;) as to put to rout all that was not life(;)  to cut a broad swath, and shave close, to drive life into a corner(;) and reduce it to its lowest terms.” 
   Henry David Thoreau  Walden: Life In the Woods (1854)
This following, is a demo of process; in both metaphysics and written/ spoken language. To expand this exercise into proper blog language, or even formal institutional standards remains as simple labor for anyone conversant in the English language and able to perform and document everything; nice like.  
I often pose similar problems to my apprentices, usually involving their own interests and experiences. One easily understands all the aspects depicted below, but each will interpret by their personal tastes and beliefs, understandings, hopes etc.  Get out your post-its, and expand or redo. And think about everything, and how even the small things matter. The first part is my analysis of the variable, very macro               This is one suggestion of possible threads of remedy
xxi.) as obstacles to progress;                                     7/6/2014              (179)
arms trade/ warfare/ environmental neglect/ poverty/ government/ pro façade

file rez
hi rez seems
to us safer; and to
reach such resolution,
hone in sharp; then
adjust resolution;
x    (times)
your life experience/perception
=    (equals)
hello; your socks are attractive;
and we dance;
I knew we are
time is always one aspect;
I am comfortable now
inhaling  your
kind intention
as(when) you undress.
=    (equals)
hello; your socks are attractive;
and we dance;
I knew we are
time is always one aspect;
I am comfortable now
inhaling  your
kind intention
as(when) you undress.
Don’t be a prick, that is
not kind, please
observe the wake
you have made by your
intentions and activity;
take it out on people who
do trouble you with
tyranny or chew up your
time to pass their own.
but speak truth and
shelter by it; it is a beacon
that some others see or
I have a practice; to question
routinely; and reserve judgment
as I decide to do.
everyone has an illusory

xxii.) Love thy planet/god as thyself        7/18/2014  (354)
    " How can a man be satisfied to entertain an opinion merely, and enjoy it?
    Is there any enjoyment in it, if his opinion is that he is aggrieved?... 
    ... Action from principle — the perception and the performance of right — changes things and relations; it is essentially revolutionary, and does not consist wholly with anything which was. 
    It not only divides states and churches, it divides families; ay, it divides the individual, separating the diabolical in him from the divine." 
    Henry David Thoreau  -On Civil Disobedience 1849
It is okay to be kind to ourselves. The events in every life accumulate value as it goes on and changes daily. And like elbows in a creek bed catch silted micro-layers of the particle dust amounting to the metaphysical applications one has available; in a space of time. Depending upon the point we start to notice, our responsibilities and our desires; soon we are juggling aspects of our life, and the ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes’ tend to change their places in fluid equations.
I can see a good case myself that the planet earth that we live on is god. As I can see new aspects of the planet every day, after many years I see them all for the beauty they have; and that they have all been put here to consider and to love.  Our own god/planet, our own minds, and each our own will; and chronologically we exist now, and in a time of extraordinary flux in our individual human perception and ability. This is fine, and as more awake to this asset that they have, we must be mindful that many others, even right around us, are fighting against oppression, poverty,  war and hunger every day on our god/planet. Be mindful also that many advantages we enjoy have us profit by others who are suffering injustices.
Because we each have one planet; one mind; one will, the way to change things is one person at a time. Technology now makes this thought conceivable, maybe even practical, and participation seems worth believing in, and so I do.
xxiii.) Do unto others as you want back too.         7/22/2014            (718)     
     "It is never too late to give up our prejudices."
    Henry David Thoreau
 Do unto others as you want back too.
Many things are different from one another, which helps point out infinity to us in our perceptions, and the reception of the things that come to each life. Each our individually in fact, makes for many commonalities shared, that on the surface that we would not expect. I am not certain how much to expand a post such as this variable tries to address.  I have no intention to give further exposition here about this in abstract form. Instead please take a breath, follow along, this describes important aspects of the defining notational aspect of our system.
hanBLOGlaka 5.
definiendum: that which is defined (noted to the left).
 definiens: that which it is defined as meaning (to the right with =)
“p É q . = . ~p v q  Df.”
Three primitive ideas have been introduced above which are not “defined” but only descriptively described. Their primitiveness is only relative to our expansion of logical connection and is not absolute; though of course such an exposition gains in importance according to the simplicity of its primitive ideas.
 These ideas are symbolized by “~p” and “p v q” and by “ prefixed to a proposition.
Three definitions have been introduced:
p . q . = . ~(~p v ~ q)  Df,
p . É q .= . ~ p v q  Df,
p ≡ q . = . p É q . q ) p  Df.
Primitive propositions: some propositions must be taken without proof, since all inference proceeds from propositions previously asserted. These, like the primitive ideas are to some extent a matter
of arbitrary choice. Though, as in the previous case, a logical system grows in importance according as the primitive propositions are few and simple.
It will be found that owing to the weakness of the imagination in dealing with simple abstract ideas no very great stress can be laid upon their obviousness. They are obvious to the instructed mind, but then so are many propositions which cannot be quite true, as being disproved by their contradictory consequences.
The following are the primitive propositions employed in the calculus of propositions. The letters “Pp: stand for “primitive proposition.”
(1)     Anything implied by a true premise is true  Pp. This is the rule which justifies inference.
(2)     : p v p . É . p  Pp. i.e. if p or p is true, then p is true.
   (3)  : q  . É . q v p  Pp. i.e. if q is true then p or q is true.
   (4)   : p v q . É . q v p  Pp. i.e. if p or q is true, then q or p is true.
   (5)   : p v É q v r) . É . q v (p v r)  Pp i.e. if either p is true or “q or r” is true then either q is true or “p or r” is true.
   (6)   :. q É r . É : p v q . É . p É r  Pp i.e. if q implies r, then “p or q” implies “p or r.”
   (7)   “The axiom of identification of real variables.” When we have separately asserted two different functions of x where x is undetermined it is often important to know whether we can identify the x in one assertion with the x in the other. i.e. if   Ď†(x,y,z…) is a constituent in one assertion, and φ(x,u,v…) is a constituent in another.
*3·03, *1·7, and *1·72 (which is the statement of this axiom).
Some simple propositions:
The law of the excluded middle: . p v ~p.  (*2·11)
The law of contradiction: . ~(p . ~p).  (*3·24)
The law of double negation: . p ~(~p).   (*4·13)
The principle of transposition: this principle has various forms, namely:
       (*4·1)   : p É q . . ~q É ~p,
       (*4·11) : p q . . ~p ~q,
       (*4·14) :. p . q . É . r : : p . ~r . ) . ~q. as well as other variations of these.
xxiv.) False Structures of Power (Government Bought for Money) are Untenable             7/28/2014            (654)

     "If there were one who lived wholly without the use of money, the State itself would hesitate to demand it of him. But the rich man — not to make any invidious comparison — is always sold to the institution which makes him rich.
    Absolutely speaking, the more money, the less virtue; for money comes between a man and his objects, and obtains them for him; and it was certainly no great virtue to obtain it. It puts to rest many questions which he would otherwise be taxed to answer; while the only new question which it puts is the hard but superfluous one, how to spend it.
     Thus his moral ground is taken from under his feet. The opportunities of living are diminished in proportion as what are called the "means" are increased. The best thing a man can do for his culture when he is rich is to endeavor to carry out those schemes which he entertained when he was poor.
    Christ answered the Herodians according to their condition. "Show me the tribute-money," said he; — and one took a penny out of his pocket; — if you use money which has the image of Cæsar on it, and which he has made current and valuable, that is, if you are men of the State, and gladly enjoy the advantages of Cæsar's government, then pay him back some of his own when he demands it; "Render therefore to Cæsar that which is Cæsar's, and to God those things which are God's"— leaving them no wiser than before as to which was which; for they did not wish to know."
    Henry David Thoreau  On Civil Disobedience 1849
for Money) are Untenable
When wealth accumulates
into narrow or personal control
by individuals; its origin is
thus dismissed , finished by
a deposit into an account.
This ledger sheet spell
works for the wealthy,
a time machine
Punch and Judy show it
gives amusement along
with bitter uneasiness.
This finders-keepers ethos
maintained by privilege and
blindly swallowed by the
authors of this booty bought
shrewdly by the hour with
the wealth acquired by
their own labor.
The work she is paid for
on Friday still goes on off
to grow and multiply;
through other hands
and sold in other places
and in other forms all
created for a paycheck but
for which we hold no claim.
These false structures of
power, held in random
hands of persons who
either built up or inherited
tremendous wealth.
Inequitable but perhaps tolerable;
until hubris leads them to the
wide spread purchase of
of political influence.
The whole trick is to maintain the assumption that everything is as it should be in terms of the overall local, national and international distribution of wealth and privilege among people, based on thousands of years of inequity, and the brutal force that keeps so many toiling without a chance to live a better life.  We are held back by the lame assumption that the past binds us and prevents a future of improved prospects for all.
It is difficult to approach this without creating bad guys or or some deranged political scheme to manipulate the system and change the faces of the same wealthy powers that were, into another crop of the same tyranny. I want to be clear in observing that this is hardly a conspiracy as such, but more, natural opportunism. It would be assigning much more ability and intelligence to these persons than I believe they can possibly possess.
We are living today under the remnant of our history of exploitation of one another. We can see in our culture that  long standing inequities are falling away, at least in the United States. This has happened not by legislation or law enforcement, but essentially by the efforts and dedication of ordinary people like me and you.

xxv.) Time Does Not Exist. Only Clocks                   7/31/2014            (445)
Time is slippery. As anyone who has spent a wonderful afternoon with loved ones, or has traveled in a loud and crowded flight; dig-all time is not equal. This is always measured by individuals’ perceptions. Two people at the park together may have very different perceptions that are time-related; related to differing perception; feeling different emotions, changes in physical symptoms and each our own intellectual interpretations of events. If examined, these will be found to represent individual differences of perception. All of these aspects and many others may be seen to manifest as what I describe as, stretching and contracting time.
Time may be thought of as a natural, human sense. Analogous of having a nose to experience smells; our whole being, in each our physiology from birth to our demise we perceive, and deploy time, in effect we are each time-‘organs.’’ I reckon it is true to suppose that every person spends her time the best way she is able to, but generally in our culture time is fractured, refracted, clicked off in a tally by clocks of all description, but the true utility of time is that it is part of, and available to all, if we only knew it.
Because we mainly sell the bulk of our time to a boss, for money, and that money must then provide us with everything. We feel obliged to battle for both money and our own time, because we ‘need’ to make an equation work, that can be supposed to support us, and all our responsibilities.
This bit and each of my expanded variables, make this (blog) equation medicinal in practice. I must stress plainly that I do not offer this work to the reader as fact, discovery, true assertions, or bogus hoax. My intent is to present an accessible metaphysic equation; exploring diverse ways to understand, think about and discuss aspects troubling and perhaps caused by our culture here in North America.
    "Have no mean hours, but be grateful for every hour, and accept what it brings. The reality will make any sincere record respectable. No day will have been wholly misspent, if one sincere, thoughtful page has been written. Let the daily tide leave some deposit on these pages, as it leaves sand and shells on the shore. So much increase of terra firma. this may be a calendar of the ebbs and flows of the soul; and on these sheets as a beach, the waves may cast up pearls and seaweed. "
    Henry David Thoreau  July 6, 1840
You must be able to hold 35 ideas into a consideration; to ride this ride.
xxvi.) Entering a new economic cognizance is transformative      8/9/2014              (341)
     "Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared with our own private opinion. What a man thinks of himself, that it is which determines, or rather indicates, his fate.
As if you could kill time without injuring eternity."
    Henry David Thoreau  Walden (1854)
By transformative, in this variable, I mean to indicate economic diffusion that equals out without prescribed taking; or decrease of economic time, money, or property assets. Here we are with each our own piece worked picture of puzzling how we think or hope the money supply is managed today. Along with the object of changing the world view of money, capital and our separation by it (money) from infinite aspects of objects, commodities and human being; as the root of human redemption. I reckon the whole continent may be transformed with human, neighborly adjustment of ambiguous ‘reality.’ And change can’t mean ‘take.’ Persons must be each on the balance, so that giving does not mean losing.
Money is the lynchpin of our system of rewarding labor, production, and risk. Cash in bills and coins are only a narrow slice of economic activity. Most ‘money’ remains data stored away; money put out at interest, compounding. This ambiguous state of existence money takes on, is affected and is even controlled by chronological aspects in N individual's accounts with as many planed activity. There is no way possible to change by taking money from people who have it. However it is in each ones power to change her perception, and changing things around us peacefully.
Something is coming down the road and not too far off. We insist on looking at the faces of atrocity in more close and immediate fashion, and the world is putting on its typical side shows with the usual suspects. You are the fountainhead yourself; your potential to rearrange ideas of life’s living into a place and way that suits you better, balances when everyone can float out of the status quo and to imagine sweeping change.
xxvii.) Bound by misunderstanding money and time        8/11/2014            (439)
    "The night in prison was novel and interesting enough... It was like traveling into a far country, such as I had never expected to behold, to lie there for one night. It seemed to me that I never had heard the town-clock strike before, nor the evening sounds of the village; for we slept with the windows open, which were inside the grating. It was to see my native village in the light of the Middle Ages, and our Concord was turned into a Rhine stream, and visions of knights and castles passed before me. They were the voices of old burghers that I heard in the streets. I was an involuntary spectator and auditor of whatever was done and said in the kitchen of the adjacent village-inn — a wholly new and rare experience to me. It was a closer view of my native town. I was fairly inside of it. I never had seen its institutions before. This is one of its peculiar institutions; for it is a shire town. I began to comprehend what its inhabitants were about. " 
    Henry David Thoreau   On Civil Disobedience (1849)
I have long known friends juggling a life of jobs and school, and separately stretching themselves in pursuing their artwork, music, relationships, faith, family and profession.  The complexities these simple aspects of a life can weave; are worth at least acknowledging. By taking life for granted we have abandoned our own time, never to have it back. We model ourselves after our family and teachers, movie actors and rock stars; but unless we shed these eventually, we are obstructed and only in gaining our own experiences can we eventually achive the feat of being human.
So interesting that we are each born fully human, then by the acts and attentions of everyone we meet and everything we learn, our nagual is squeezed practically out of existence by the rules and ‘principles’ constituting our tonal; these contain everything we have learned in our lifetime, and that our humanity desperately longs to escape from.
By that containment, we can no longer see the world, but only its descriptions. Find your own path, and use money to bring you time; that is a happy transaction. Don’t imagine I am advising you to quit your job and chase a dream. The change  I am prescribing is completely inside your mind. I don’t suggest that you ‘do’ something; rather I am telling you that you can see and perceive and think for yourself. Understanding will come along with these, provided you haven’t nailed it down somewhere else.
xxviii.) Person Migration, Shipment of Goods and Educational Propagation           8/14/2014            (334)
    "In the long run men hit only what they aim at. Therefore, though they should fail immediately, they had better aim at something high." 
    Henry David Thoreau   Waldon (1854)
To fix long standing problems that fester without apparent cure it is useful to broaden the scope of our perception of what the problem really is; and so where it came from in the first place. These villainous equations of ‘max profit,’ individual greed and deceit, ancestral hatred, bogus ‘educators’ and other deadly sins are perfectly clear and well documented but the gigantic overlap of interests, chiefly legacies of past hatred and injustices, and the worship of money; but considerably too, the result of well-meant but ill-considered legislation by politicians unfit for their office.
The task of working out solutions to these, and all other societal sufferings, will never be legislated or accomplished by committee, much less by armies, terror, or weapons of mass destruction. When one thinks of unraveling the knotty tapestry of greed and injustice this world has come too, the very things that seem to make our lives possible; money, jobs, school, state, prisons, etc. are so attached to us by our tonal that we never even think to question them in any serious way. Professors, and pundits in the media suggest endless schemes to rearrange the pieces on the board, never claiming they will solve anything; but only shuffling around who gets rich and who is left in the dust.
The roots of all these problems appear to me to be very much linguistic, and so metaphysical. When politicians try to address any societal problem using plural pronouns, they are thus defeated from the start. We lose sight that all problems are personal, no matter how many are seemingly affected in similar or even identical fashion. The simple change from thinking of ‘people’ to thinking of ‘persons,’ in our calculus, cannot help but alter the course of all stemming thought.

xxix.) Distortion = good/bad over useful               8/19/2014            (174)
Too much top end, and the recording begins distorting. A wah-wah petal worked by a tasty player just as she likes is wonderful to hear.  We make allowance for distortion; in conversation we always do our best, but always what we say deviates to some extent from our exact thought.  Talk is slippery, just so you notice. If we try to make allowance for this distortion in language listening to the speech of others we are better able to discover their meanings. Understanding this helps quiet objections to what she at first seemed to be saying.
The little bit of grace that we grant to one another, is the building block to resolving misunderstandings, even conflicts. It must always be individual and intentional. That seems like a very small thing; but I assert that fleeting pauses  allowing grace can ripple around the world. We all suffer in our own fashion. Conflict, hatred, fear, thirst for revenge of past suffering cause great injustice and devastating heartbreak to all.

xxx.) Resources are the moving parts of the economy    8/25/2014            (677)
     "Most men, even in this comparatively free country, through mere ignorance and mistake, are so occupied with the factitious cares and superfluously coarse labors of life that its finer fruits cannot be plucked by them. Their fingers, from excessive toil, are too clumsy and tremble too much for that. Actually, the laboring man has not leisure for a true integrity day by day; he cannot afford to sustain the manliest relations to men; his labor would be depreciated in the market. He has no time to be anything but a machine. How can he remember well his ignorance- which his growth requires- who has so often to use his knowledge? We should feed and clothe him gratuitously sometimes, and recruit him with our cordials, before we judge of him. The finest qualities of our nature, like the bloom on fruits, can be preserved only by the most delicate handling. Yet we do not treat ourselves nor one another thus tenderly."
    Henry David Thoreau
("This a bit strident I think, but on reflection..."   Comic Book Shaman)
Until the nature of our economy is recognized, and thought of as global, encompassing all persons equally; any thought about, or perception of, an isolated national economy or economic union is a recipe for disaster. We grind up all economic activity into mere dollar signs in musty ledgers and media programed stock market crawls. Our tonal is bound in these; and we are imprisoned. And at last we are defeated by all the labels we have attached to everything. and that we tell ourselves we must accept as all that can possibly be. But inside of every one of us, our nagual claws with a nagging incomplete feeling of loneliness to some extent. We all have a feeling something is terribly wrong with our culture and the whole world, and the deck is stacked to cause us to believe, as Voltaire’s young protagonist Candide, that this is indeed the best of all possible worlds. Now what is needed is for each to be the best possible individual person that they are able to be. Persons are at last the most valuable parts of every economy.
Commodities, raw materials, manufactured products, information, books, artwork, and everything that holds a value in itself are at once private and also public objects. Add to that transportation services, food preparation work, medical, tonsorial, auctions, insurance and everything persons make and trade away that is real in life; is then reduced to figures in columns on countless ledgers. To our sorrow we seem to forget that a carrot is not a number, and a haircut is not a tally of figures, even though they are thus accounted to be.
Such miss-perceptions have evolved over centuries and for good enough reasons; political, diplomatic, logistical, technical, military, and criminal. All of these have blurred the distinctions reality offers to us as alternatives to our present win/ lose dichotomy of living together here now on the planet we share. When we individual persons decide to shake off historic oppressions, the grudge hatreds, and inflicted sufferings; and stand straight and tall together without fear of want; the trick will be turned! But one by one.
Our planet yet contains abundant resources; but political expedience has brought us now to a tangled web of past errors in judgment; perpetuated by those whose interests are richly served by those old errors. Are you conditioned by our culture to want? To want riches, want security, want an education, want peace and want love; Clearly we need these and they can be had by every person in the world economically, but that can never be quite possible, monetarily. Quite impossible in fact. Seek that equality in your own equation by your own nagual, though it may be now reduced to only the soles of your feet.
Darlings the answers are not to be found in the mind, but only in each our own intent.
I love you Yoko.  War is over if you want it.
xxxi.) The deadweight of government can just fall away                8/28/2014            (196)
The reason world societal problems seem unchangeable is chiefly because we think that there are no alternatives. We take an odd comfort in looking to government officials and their irrational laws to make the hard decisions to protect themselves  and keep law abiding citizens in line. It is strange that we do not own the problems and work to actually solve them ourselves. Why not begin with dismantling our federal Congressional presence in the nation’s Capital? Congress has demonstrated definitively in this Century that they are of no value, and completely superfluous to our well-being.  Additionally the economic benefit of Congressional demise felt nationally is surprisingly great in every respect, not a single person would not benefit greatly by this event.
The bond of co-existence is well understood by all persons in the United States; and that is generally only disregarded for specific, personal desires and reasons, chiefly caused by past and present clumsy, inefficient and dishonest juggernaut of injustice attached to our archaic form of government. This can truly disappear, practically overnight, if we each one declare our intent that this shall be so.

xxxii.) Individual Attainment (unwitting)                               8/31/58               
    "One cannot too soon forget his errors and misdemeanors. To dwell long upon them is to add to the offense. Repentance and sorrow can only be displaced by something better, which is as free and original as if they had not been." 
    Henry David Thoreau  January 9, 1842
Each one of us has a mind, a will and a brain in common, and so every one has options that they choose among to make life as well as they can for them and their loved ones. It is not useful to predict how any persons' path may turn and change as time passes them. Only the intentions bolstered by learning and life experience determine that for any person herself. At last the talents and abilities we attain, combined with the desires and actions we undertake in that attainment, sprout in each wonderful perception of her own nagual.
We each one must labor and find a way to survive and be happy as best we may. In each variable included in this metaphysic equation relates a step many have taken on their own path, and this is my own expression, I hope that each reader has her own too. The solution to all the worlds' challenges is a little bit in each of us, and the young ones who come after, and also the elders who long for it but have had no way to even think about it, because life has pressed them down so hard.

XXXIV.) P T S Dharma     12/8/2014            (554)
Warriors in the military, are trained to function and endure to the maximum extent of your training, I suppose. The process of assimilating your various components of training is in fact medicinal; to ones’ mind, and shall we say your ‘spirit.’  This goes far to account for the countless service men and women and veterans who daily demonstrate excellent and honorable military service, and then enter our communities at home to sink or swim as they are able.
In harms ‘way we build up our own individual constant defensive equations, that we believe best protect us; and that must shift to fit each need, or each occasion of danger. Maintaining this condition, even over only weeks or months can cause us actual physical changes in our human brain. Of course I cannot claim to be current in neurological research, but by observation, and by your own life experience, this is indicated. In fact it strongly resembles my own diagnosis of bipolar; which only means we are people who develop capacity and also process that, as changes make more static and safer circumstances, no longer serve us.
When we are young and are powerful; and wanting to defend our country and protect our heritage; or just get out of Dodge, it is an age old impulse to step up to duty as we see it. But war, politics and carnage today is at last so immediate and visibly ghastly, not just as our own private hell, but laid out graphically for all to see; see that the forms of wars’ horrors seem to diminish in scope but flare up as if blowing steam out of a boiler all around the globe. When we reach out beyond our past limitations the results can have great effect, and terrible consequences at the whim of fate or a moments’ inattention to duty. We focus on our nation’s interests, our company’s interests and our own in turns, as humans do. In general we are reaching out to the unknown, trusting it holds fortune, and demanding in return all we feel we are due.
In combat we are rapacious in our drive to survive; our comrades in arms are our womb of safe passage to reach a discharge of duty and return to a distantly recalled life that we left to defend. Post trauma stress disorder is a sweet, crazy description of a need others have to describe us as we seem in common; but it is up to us at last to disarm, one by one, the traps our right defenses that have been left in us after they no longer serve us. Because these defenses are completely individual, but yet at last serve each warrior to the same desired goal, moment to moment, day to day survival, for as long as it is needed; it is natural that these individual differences lead those we return to, to believe that as the sufferings we experience appear so similar that a label p.t.s.d. has meaning for them, but in fact the ones who are labeled thus are deprived of the window of learning at last that the problem is truly only individual and personal. And can only be overcome from this perspective and in time.
part one of four
Comic Book Shaman
XXXV.) P T S D: Lost in the bi-cognizance                12/14/2014         (352)
In dominant society where I exist day to day; me and it operate in a bi-cognitive parallel that, for this discussion I will term ‘polite.’   In contrast however; my own cognitive system is unique and the object of a lifetimes crafting.  My aim in every action and word is impeccability; that means simply that I take responsibility for my own words and actions, even the smallest thing.
It flows from this that I consider my world closely and from infinite perspectives; and the words I speak are the result of this process, and the thing that I feel must be said, is stated plainly. This is of course the very opposite of being polite; but has the two fold advantage of making my point clear, and also doing it in the smallest possible part of time.
As a result nearly everyone in dominant culture gladly trades the time they spend in polite fashion in hopes of a little civility for themselves and some peace, but in my own experience with polite process the communication soon shifts into old and worn channels of capitulation and hurt feelings at last anyway. I saw my father take the path of going along with my mother’s wishes; and came to see it as his perception of his sole refuge, and hope to maximize his chances of having some peace and quiet.
This is the first pin prick of my own p t s d; and always a given, but looking back I’m not sure this should have been so important to my decision to exclude certain women from my consideration, especially when they had signaled an interest. I despise signals and signs in this context, although I understand they are polite. It is of the backwards nature of me that I do not allow myself to see them, leading always to social disaster, and thus I remain unencumbered by a wife and friends, but free to remain without their charms.
[[Got P T S D but different? More symptoms
exaimined in coming posts I betcha.]]

XXXVI.)There and Back, to and from P T S D              12/15/2014     (492)
The only way I can live my life as I do is by the supposition that I am invisible, and thus suppose that, when I leave ones presence she forgets that I was ever there, and practically immediately. Also I simply accept anything she tells me at face value, shrugging off any ambiguity. Of course this one started out as wishful thinking and evolved into what, in dominant culture is seen as a sort of psychosis, and with reason. You will never hook up with anyone believing that they tell you with words.
My perception of polite rejoinders is that they constitute clear disjunctions; that I am ill advised to consider at all without a real understanding of the speaker. This because if they prove to be either right or prove in error, my decision in either case is at best uncertain; and very unstable as a basis for understanding others' intentions. This is because people in dominant culture, by that mere fact, have fractured and conflicting intentions so very often. This is the reason I always speak plainly, and wish that others could grant me their temerity to answer me thus, if only for the sake of brevity.
There are numerous pin-pricks stress sticks in me, to change my attention and prevent a relationship from arising with women that I have met in my past monastic role. After I had heard so many young woman recapitulate all the sufferings of their life, an that drove them to the unhappy place that I met them at, on the night streets; nearly all were suffering from the betrayal and abuse they received from their Father, or another man who should have loved and listened to her, and treated her better. Rightly or foolishly I decided to become the one man in each their life that loved and respected them; and without fucking them in return. I don’t know whether or not I was in error with this thought; but it felt right to me, and many girls looked me up as referrals.
It is the gestures of helping others that have at last rewarded me with reaching the intellectual goals of spirit that may come to a man who steps on the path that I have chosen. Perhaps I can describe that as ‘learning everything I can about every subject as I encounter it.’ By this means I arrive at the unknown aspects of life ready to see them and with hope of piercing their meaning and adding them to my arsenal equation of the world I live uneasily in.  From childhood I have understood that the things that I could feel viscerally and that I did for a real, if usually inexplicable purpose; were against the flow of the intentions and purposes of all around me.  Sadly I gave way and the more I fell into conventional channels to society and success, the more disoriented and unhappy I became.
XXXVII.) Neither Either if you please okay?          12/15/2014         (720)
The more I care for a woman the greater the terror that wells up in me. Not fear of love, or of commitment, or losing my freedom; no, nothing of that nature, for I am beyond being hurt in that way by any other person. But I become very concerned about how my own nature may affect and distress her, for as Motley Crue describes it: I’m a ‘live wire.’ I am liable to go off in infinite directions at the slighted incentive my artwork leads me. It is the very aspect of me that attracts a woman to me, that so often has at last become unlivable for her. My heart has become hard because it has been so soft, and while I am now unaffected by heartbreak, I still suffer its pain reflected. And even more I suffer the pain that I must at last give to her.
Any rejections I have had from a woman I cared for slightly have become cemented into my perception of all women I meet subsequently. This one made a stink that I had her phone number without asking her for it;  as I rarely know that I am interested in someone without reflection, I illogically I gave up asking any woman for so much as her full name, let alone for her contact information. Contributing to this crazy position is perhaps my own experiences with unwanted attention from women who have pursued me.  I find that unpleasant in deed, and so my advances are only very tentative in the beginning.
As an extension of this I resist chatting up girls at their workplace and never go so far as to ask them out even if I have romantic intentions. As I recognize that at work most girls are kind to everyone I discount any perceived attraction on either part.  I have approached a few young women for other reasons, mainly my interest in making them subjects I would like to model for my paintings. However of late this has been disastrous as they have understood my advances as ‘normal’ hook-ups and one such caused me such great desire when we got together that I was ready to abandon my vows on the spot, but it  somehow caused me in time to see that this was not out of reason, and in hindsight I recognize that dragging her down to the car and taking her home was not my finest hour.
Don’t think that only military men and women suffer from their personal p t s d, for the points of recurring suffering that served me as a monk cannot be swept away by a simple decision that they no longer serve me. So much worse and more difficult to face are the defenses each service man and woman in harm’s way, took on with a long continued basis.  Remember that those p t s d aspects were very likely instrumental in those persons survival in combat. And this point alone is key to every person finding her way back to a ‘normal’ life at home. I have struggled with my own problems a for a full year now as I have blogged about extensively. The solutions are never cut and dried, and do not take effect right away even if we can isolate what the heck they are. I am confident p t s d may be overcome at last if we do not give up on ourselves or on our loved ones.
There is so much more to learn and express about this subject, and few subjects are more important to the healing of us all resulting from the poor capacity of the men and woman we have trusted to lead us thru troubled times. Those who served us in military adventures overseas as well as those who have suffered too from infinite causes here at home share in common, and too in every nation from the after effects of the trauma they have endured. That does not dissipate without time, effort and continued personal consideration.  Your comments, concerns and observations are welcome here and very much sought after. We are at last left to face this together, for the relief we seek cannot be legislated or arrived at by committee.
XXXVIII ) (cnd) Variable Universal Happiness first variable of four              12/11/2014        (333)
I. Our Human Capacity May Be Better When Delighted
If set free of the financial demands of their uncertain survival all persons are likely to seek the education and advancement that fills their capacity and the desires that come to all persons who see them clearly. The key to having one's desire is coming to know what to want. Many unhealthy desires are born of deprivation or as post traumatic mechanisms medicating our suffering from other causes, other sources, other misplaced negative emotions that keep arising inside.
       I reckon that all negative and persistent bad feelings we accumulate leave us facing a walk back down from that spot back to the path that was sidetracked. Recapitulation reveals all the missing parts we could not reconcile between what is and what we desired, feared, hated and forgot in turns; to make our compromises and forget their shame and bitter result.
    Our fellow men are black magicians. And whoever is with them is a black magician on the spot. Think for a moment. Can you deviate from the path that your fellow man has lined up for you? And if you remain with them, your thoughts and your actions are fixed forever in their terms. That is slavery. The warrior on the other hand, is free from all that. Freedom is expensive, but the price is not impossible to pay. So, fear your captors, your masters. Don't waste your time and your power fearing freedom.
    -don Juan Matus
    The flaw with words is that they always make us feel enlightened, but when we turn around and to face the world they always fail us and we end up facing the world as we always have, without enlightenment. For this reason a warrior seeks to act rather than to talk, and to this effect he gets a new description where talking is not that important, and where new acts have new reflections. 
    -don Juan

XXXIX.) Variable Universal Happiness second variable (of four) 12/14/2014         (551)
II. Continuous Education Entitles Greater Expectations
    A warrior chooses a path with heart, any path with heart, and follows it; and then he rejoices and laughs. He knows because he sees that his life will be over altogether too soon.  He sees that nothing is more important than anything else.
    -don Juan Matus
It is past high time to abandon the educational practices of the past century. The concept of segregating young students by age groups, and expecting them all to learn the same curriculum at the same time has proven a failure at best; and a disaster for those who fall behind, and even for those who have mastered the work and are bored into a disdain for her fellow students and resentment of teachers too, some who, so do not go the extra mile to meet their students' needs.
    Intent is not a thought; or an object, or a wish. Intent is what can make a man succeed when his thoughts tell him he is defeated. It operates in spite of the warrior's indulgence. Intent is what makes him invulnerable. Intent is what sends a shaman through a wall, through space, to infinity.
    -don Juan Matus
Teaching and learning are synonymous in practice. If a teacher does not experience this stimulation in working with students, she will become frustrated and bored; and these bring out resentment and rigid categories of good students who are not a bother, and bad students who are given little credit for what work they do manage.  These are the time worn paths that students are herded down. Success in teaching/learning in education in the new century may easily be achieved by this following simple equation, and in adopting some simple changes, the present worries of children not wanting to learn, and go far to reduce and even eliminate misbehavior in most student altogether.
Learning = Fun
Expression = Lesson
Listening = Hearing the Other
The death knell for the present system has been ringing for decades, but now that every student has a personal device with which to chat away; in lieu of paying attention to the teacher, the profession has degenerated from teaching into babysitting and while the students may yet make an an education for themselves; in fact the status quo is a huge waste of time and money all around, and the result is we still play with fire with the inertia inherent in the system.
     When a man embarks on the warriors' path he becomes aware, in a gradual manner, that ordinary life has been left behind. The means of the ordinary world are no longer a buffer for him; and he must adopt a new way of life if he is going to survive.
    -don Juan Matus
The good news is that with our present resources, education is available and many are availing themselves of these to great effect. Perversely there is a growing pool of highly credentialed persons entering the work force, but employers are now incapable of evaluating these person's merits without that credential to do this for them. So even with so many graduating with expensive degrees that are only promises; and promises too many graduates do not live up to even the least bit better. 
XL.) III. No borders that cannot be crossed     12/16/2014     (743)
    The world is unfathomable. And so are we, and so is every being that exists in the world.
    A (shaman) as a teacher, must first of all teach about the possibility of acting without believing, without expecting rewards – acting just for the hell of it. His success as a teacher depends on how well and how harmoniously he guides his wards in this specific respect.                                                                                     
    To be a warrior is not a simple matter of wishing to be one. It is rather, an endless struggle that will go on to the very last moment of our lives. Nobody is born a warrior, in exactly the same way that nobody is born an average man. We make ourselves into one or another.
    -don Juan
 As many different senses of meaning as that title may convey are a totality that, considered dispassionately, only small progress here seems to, at last relieve a majority of the intractable problems thought to be beyond help in the world today. But still, I’m thinking that Horatio Alger guy had the right idea after all.
        Whenever the internal dialogue stops, the world collapses, and extraordinary facets of ourselves surface, as though they had been heavily guarded by our words
        -don Juan Matus
We close ourself off from the others by the fears we each have. But at last these fears only grow, sometimes exponentially; because of our own refusal to face our own fears caused by things p t s d -like inside ourself.  Many are angry at our greedy and incompetent leaders in Congress; because each is not accountable to the whole, and fractured interests are all rooted in finance and money. But this is just a side show that goes on around the globe. The fears and suffering are much the same, and identical in to those of every oppressed person. Indeed both sides, for and against more open borders have similar fears and false perceptions of each the other group. But our leaders will not step up to their responsibility because in their view, reform must only come by agreement; and this agreement is one that has been engineered to be impossible to achieve in fact.
     The average man is either victorious or defeated and, depending on that he becomes a persecutor or a victim. These two conditions are prevalent as long as one does not see. Seeing dispels the illusion, of defeat, or victory, or suffering.
    -don Juan Matus
Any substantial progress in variable universal happiness must assume that the debilitating hatred, fear and suspicion of all perspectives can, and may be evenly reduced, and set aside such as has been happening in steps around the world for decades. Seeing as right the decisions and actions that will benefit us all, rather than a privileged group who heretofore have influenced our leaders to act chiefly in terms of their own narrow interests. Too often the status quo is defended as being: what has always been seen to be the case, as when change is rolling downhill and upon us, and is clearly in the interests of all persons.
    Denying oneself is an indulgence. The indulgence of denying is by far the worst: it forces us to believe that we are doing great things, when in effect we are only fixed within ourselves.
    -don Juan
The object we intend in closing border access completely is apparently to allay our own fears for ourselves and our own concerns. That seems to result of liberating persons oppressed by our  fear and misgiving, and that promises to cost us much more in the future than allowing each one their own freedom of movement will. Even allowed by regulation, and with described limitations.
Without being limited by our set misgivings we can see that cooperation and good will are more profitable than barriers of intransigence born of fear, greed and hatred; as rule our leaders and those who are frankly buying their infamous support in heartlessly maintaining the tragic inhumanity of excluding persons who have become absolutely unable to freely cross borders, and all around the world.
      The hardest thing in the world is to assume the mood of a warrior. It is of no use to be sad and complain and feel justified in in doing so, believing that someone is always doing something to us. Nobody is doing anything to anybody, much less to a warrior.
    -don Juan Matus

XXXXI.) IV. Enough to well go around; Equitable distribution of the world’s resources
Maybe it is simplistic to say this is a reasonable goal to aim for, but at least most of us have some concept of what this may minimally be in an ideal world, but many will say that it is impossible to believe that it can really happen. I present here my most current analysis of this subject in outline below. To me it indicates that the peace path John and Yoko expressed is the most useful to adopt, and I offer my work as a metaphysial expression gleaned of my own life, in trying to see how this aim can at last be achieved
All barriers to Variable Univeral Happiness
are in the nature of human perspectives
1.     Unity in confronting ourself
          §  principle
          §  perception
          §  perpetual
          §  punctual
2.     Necessity to Monetize Values
     §  Labor
     §  Risk
     §  Education
     §  reducing time to a monetary gauge
3.     Each following variable may be considered to contain four separate and distinct aspects that I arbitrarily term BOB and CAROL and TED and ALICE; as titles of these bipolar factors that affect the nature of all human experience in polar positive/negative and male/female aspects, depending on the case, each may/can have great or slight affect.
        §  BOB      = male/positive (+)  Id
        §  CAROL = Female/ positive (+)  Id
        §  Ted       = male/negative (-)  Ego
        §  Alice     =female/ negative(-) Ego
4. Language/Metaphysics
     §  Idioms/roles
     §  Syntax/Sentence Structure - simple/complex
     §  Elocution/Persuasion
5.     P T S D in any individual; is a custom collection of particular aspects including:
    §  Personal Priorities
    §  National Decisions
    §  Inequality and Injustice World Wide
    §  Racial Differentials
    §  Cultural Traits
    §  Fear
6. Ideological Vehicles that Maintain the Status
§  Authority Apart from Persons
§  Surface Appearance
§  Created Desires/Want
    ¨     physical/sexual
    ¨     mental/educational
    ¨     emotional/emotionless
    ¨     religion/you must               
    ¨     spirit/I must
§  Underlying    Cause/Remedy
     ¨     Poverty
     ¨     hunger
     ¨     lack of access to health care
     ¨     ignorance
     ¨     crime
     ¨     war
§  Connections  Obvious/Obscure
     ¨     nationalism
     ¨     economic doctrine
     "     religious dogma
     ¨     imperialism
     ¨     Freedom
       ¨     “Free Trade”

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