Saturday, September 15, 2012

13. Formal Implication and Formal Equivalence

Harold R. (Hal) Foster’s Prince Valiant
© Respective copyright/trademark holders.

Formal implication and formal equivalence  

When an implication, say φx . É . y x, is said to hold always, i.e. when (x) : φx .  É  . yx, we shall say that φx formally implies yx; and propositions of the form "(x): φx . É . yx" will be said to state formal implications. In the usual instances of implication, such as "'Socrates is a man' implies 'Socrates is mortal,"' we have a proposition of the form "φx . É . yx " in a case in which "(x): φx . É . yx" is true. In such a case, we feel the implication is a particular case of a formal implication. Thus it has come about that implications which are not particular cases of formal implications have not been regarded as implications at all. There is also a practical ground for the neglect of such implications, for, speaking generally, they can only be known when it is already known either that their hypothesis is false or that their conclusion is true; and in neither of these cases do they serve to make us know the conclusion, since in the first case the conclusion need not be true, and in the second it is known already. Thus such implications do not serve the purpose for which implications are chiefly useful, namely that of making us know, by deduction, conclusions of which we were previously ignorant. Formal implications, on the contrary, do serve this purpose, owing to the psychological fact that we often know         "(x) : φx . É . yx" and yy, in cases where by (which follows from these premises) cannot easily be known directly.   

These reasons, though they do not warrant the complete neglect of implications that are not instances of formal implications, are reasons which make formal implication very important. A formal implication states that, for all possible values of x, if the hypothesis φx is true, the conclusion yx is true. Since       x . É . yx" will always be true when φx is false, it is only the values of x that make φx true that are important in a formal implication; what is effectively stated is that, for all these values, yx is true. Thus propositions of the form "all a is b," "no a is b" state formal implications, since the first (as appears by what has just been said) states

(x) : x is an a . É . x is a b,

while the second states

(x) : x is an a . É . x is not a b.

And any formal implication "(x): φx . É . yx" may be interpreted as: "All values of x which satisfy* φx satisfy yx," while the formal implication                           "(x) : φx . É . ~yx" may be interpreted as: "No values of x which satisfy φx satisfy yx."

We have similarly for "some a is b " the formula

($x) . x is an a . x is a b,

and for "some a is not b" the formula

($x). x is an a . x is not a b.

Two functions φx, yx are called formally equivalent when each always implies the other, i.e. when

(x) : φx º . yx,

and a proposition of this form is called a formal equivalence. In virtue of what was said about truth-values, if φx and yx are formally equivalent, either may replace the other in any truth-function. Hence for all the purposes of mathematics, or of the present work, φz^ may replace yz^ or vice versa in any proposition with which we shall be concerned. Now to say that φx and yx are formally equivalent is the same thing as to say that φz^ and yz^ have the same extension, i.e. that any value of x which satisfies either satisfies the other. Thus whenever a constant function occurs in our work, the truth-value of the proposition in which it occurs depends only upon the extension of the function. A proposition containing a function φz^ and having this property (i.e. that its truth-value depends only upon the extension of φz^) will be called an extensional function of φz^. Thus the functions of functions with which we shall be specially concerned will all be extensional functions of functions.

What has just been said explains the connection (noted above) between the fact that the functions of propositions with which mathematics is especially concerned are all truth-functions and the fact that mathematics is concerned with extensions rather than intensions.  

* A value of x is said to satisfy φx or yx when φx is true for that value of x.

Walt Kelly’s Songs of the Pogo© Respective copyright/trademark holders.

When contemplating a complex problem of any sort, the answers are very often unknowable by empirical means. This conundrum however is not an insurmountable obstacle to finding a solution to any such problem by means of tools including formal implication and formal equivalence.

These same tools are paramount to the Indian’s perceptual toolbox. Instead of expecting a new object, creature, person or idea to fit into her collective experience, she will seek implications and equivalences to reach some means to bring the unknown into a level of common knowledge.

We use the tools of implication and equivalence to find meaning in many ways, including in this beautiful song by Jackson Browne and performed with David Lindley, with vocals by renowned Spanish songbird Luz Casal.

Script: Bob Haney  Pencils and inks: John Rosenberger
Superman™ Wonder Woman™ © Respective copyright/trademark holders.


Logical Philosophy In American

Indian thought and Perception
Harold R. (Hal) Foster’s Prince Valiant
© Respective copyright/trademark holders.


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