Wednesday, September 26, 2012

18. Classes in Symbols

Harold R. (Hal) Foster’s Prince Valiant
© Respective copyright/trademark holders.

In an exactly analogous manner we introduce dual or dyadic relations, i.e. relations between two terms. Such relations will be called simply "relations"; relations between more than two terms will be distinguished as multiple relations, or (when the number of their terms is specified) as triple, quadruple,... relations, or as triadic, tetrad-al,... relations. Such relations will not concern us until we come to Geometry. For the present, the only relations we are concerned with are dual relations.

Relations, like classes, are to be taken in extension, i.e. if R and S are relations which hold between the same pairs of terms, R and S are to be identical. We may regard a relation, in the sense in which it is required for our purposes, as a class of couples; i.e. the couple (x, y) is to be one of the class of couples constituting the relation R if x has the relation R to y*. This view of relations as classes of couples will not, however, be introduced into our symbolic treatment, and is only mentioned in order to show that it is possible, so to understand the meaning of the word relation; that a relation shall be determined by its extension.

Any function φ(x, y) determines a relation R between x and y. If we regard a relation as a class of couples, the relation determined by φ(x, y) is the class of couples (x, y) for which φ(x, y) is true. The relation determined by the function φ(x, y) will be denoted by

x^y^φ (x, y).

We shall use a capital letter for a relation when it is not necessary to specify the determining function. Thus whenever a capital letter occurs, it is to be understood that it stands for a relation. The propositional function "x has the relation R to y" will be expressed by the notation


This notation is designed to keep as near as possible to common language, which, when it has to express a relation, generally mentions it between its terms, as in "x loves y," "x equals y," "x is greater than y," and so on. For "relation" we shall write "Rel"; thus "R є Rel" means "R is a relation.

"Owing to our taking relations in extension, we shall have

:. x^y^φ (x, y) = x^y^y (x, y). φ(x,y) . ºx,y y(x,y),

i.e. two functions of two variables determine the same relation when, and only when, the two functions are formally equivalent.

We have . z {x^y^φ (x, y)} w . º . φ (z, w),

i.e. "z has to w the relation determined by the function φ (x, y)" is equivalent to φ (z,w);

:. R = x^y^φ (x, y) º : xRy . ºx,y . φ(x,y),

:. R = S. =: xRy. ºx,y . xSy,

. x^y^(xRy) = R,

. {x^y^φ (x, y)} є Rel.

These propositions are analogous to those previously given for classes. It results from them that any function of two variables is formally equivalent to some function of the form xRy; hence, in extensional functions of two variables, variation of relations can replace variation of functions of two variables.

* Such a couple has a sense, i.e. the couple (x, y) is different from the couple (y, x), unless x=y. We shall call it a "couple with sense," to distinguish it from the class consisting of x and y. It may also be called an ordered couple.

Pencils and Inks: Jay Scott Pike © Respective copyright/trademark holders.

With relations between classes we reach a new complexity that is so often the cause of plans running of the rails. Whether it is of the wind, the sky, the buffalo herd and an enemy’s intentions, a calculus of variables in the human mind may discern the playing out of events with uncanny accuracy born of an easy understanding and appreciation of a life’s totality in which all critical factors are known.
In today’s dominant culture this all-encompassing perception is certainly elusive, but by means of this logical metaphysical system we are exploring, one may cover all the bases in constructing propositional equations in which we may test our hypotheses in such a manner as to clearly see if they are in error, or indeed nonsense, and perceive the difference.

Milton Caniff’s Terry and the Pirates © Respective copyright/trademark holders.

Harold R. (Hal) Foster’s Prince Valiant
© Respective copyright/trademark holders.

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