Thursday, November 8, 2012

33. The Hierarchy of Functions and Propositions.


Harold R. (Hal) Foster’s Prince Valiant
© Respective copyright/trademark holders.
V. The Hierarchy of Functions and Propositions.

We are thus led to the conclusion, both from the vicious-circle principle and from direct inspection, that the functions to which a given object a can be an argument are incapable of being arguments to each other, and that they have no term in common with the functions to which they can be arguments. We are thus led to construct a hierarchy. Beginning with a and the other terms which can be arguments to the same functions to which a can be argument*, we come next to functions to which a is a possible argument, and then to functions to which such functions are possible arguments, and so on. But the hierarchy which has to be constructed is not as simple as might at first appear. The functions which can take a as argument form an illegitimate totality, and themselves require division into a hierarchy of functions. This is easily seen as follows. Let ƒ(φz^, x) be a function of the two variables φz^ and x. Then if, keeping x fixed for the moment, we assert this with all possible values of φ, we obtain a proposition:

     (φ) . ƒ(φz, x).

Here, if x is variable, we have a function of x; but as this function involves a totality of values of φz^*2, it cannot itself be one of the values included in the totality, by the vicious-circle principle. It follows that the totality of values of φz^ concerned in (φ) . ƒ(φz^, x) is not the totality of all functions in which x can occur as argument, and that there is no such totality as that of all functions in which x can occur as argument.

It follows from the above that a function in which φz^ appears as argument requires that " φz^" should not stand for any function which is capable of a given argument, but must be restricted in such a way that none of the functions which are possible values of "φz^" should involve any reference to the totality of such functions. Let us take as an illustration the definition of identity. We might attempt to define "x is identical with y" as meaning "whatever is true of x is true of y," i.e. "φx always implies φy." But here, since we are concerned to assert all values of "φx implies φy" regarded as a function of φ, we shall be compelled to impose upon φ some limitation which will prevent us from including among values of φ values in which "all possible values of φ" are referred to. Thus for example "x is identical with a" is a function of x; hence, if it is a legitimate value of φ in "φx always implies φy," we shall be able to infer, by means of the above definition, that if x is identical with a, and x is identical with y, then y is identical with a. Although the conclusion is sound, the reasoning embodies a vicious-circle fallacy, since we have taken "(φ) . φx implies φa" as a possible value of φx, which it cannot be. If, however, we impose any limitation upon φ, it may happen, so far as appears at present, that with other values of φ we might have φx true and φy false, so that our proposed definition of identity would plainly be wrong. This difficulty is avoided by the "axiom of reducibility," to be explained later. For the present, it is only mentioned in order to illustrate the necessity and the relevance of the hierarchy of functions of a given argument.

Let us give the name "a-functions" to functions that are significant for a given argument a. Then suppose we take any selection of a-functions, and consider the proposition "a satisfies all the functions belonging to the selection in question." If we here replace a by a variable, we obtain an a-function; but by the vicious-circle principle this a-function cannot be a member of our selection, since it refers to the whole of the selection. Let the selection consist of all those functions which satisfy ƒ(φz^). Then our new function is

      (φ). {ƒ(φz^) implies φx},

where x is the argument. It thus appears that, whatever selection of a-functions we may make, there will be other a-functions that lie outside our selection. Such a-functions, as the above instance illustrates, will always arise through taking a function of two arguments, φz^ and x, and asserting all or some of the values resulting from varying φ. What is necessary, therefore, in order to avoid vicious-circle fallacies, is to divide our a-functions into " types," each of which contains no functions which refer to the whole of that type.

When something is asserted or denied about all possible values or about some (undetermined) possible values of a variable, that variable is called apparent, after Peano. The presence of the words all or some in a proposition indicates the presence of an apparent variable; but often an apparent variable is really present where language does not at once indicate its presence. Thus for example "A is mortal" means "there is a time at which A will die." Thus a variable time occurs as apparent variable.

The clearest instances of propositions not containing apparent variables are such as express immediate judgments of perception, such as "this is red" or " this is painful," where "this" is something immediately given. In other judgments, even where at first sight no variable appears to be present, it often happens that there really is one. Take (say) "Socrates is human." To Socrates himself, the word "Socrates" no doubt stood for an object of which he was immediately aware, and the judgment "Socrates is human" contained no apparent variable. But to us, who only know Socrates by description, the word "Socrates" cannot mean what it meant to him; it means rather "the person having such-and-such properties," (say) "the Athenian philosopher who drank the hemlock." Now in all propositions about "the so-and-so" there is an apparent variable, as will be shown in Chapter III. Thus in what we have in mind when we say "Socrates is human" there is an apparent variable, though there was no apparent variable in the corresponding judgment as made by Socrates, provided we assume that there is such a thing as immediate awareness of oneself.

Whatever may be the instances of propositions not containing apparent variables, it is obvious that propositional functions whose values do not contain apparent variables are the source of propositions containing apparent variables, in the sense in which the function φx^ is the source of the proposition (x) . φx. For the values for φx^ do not contain the apparent variable x, which appears in (x) . φx; if they contain an apparent variable y, this can be similarly eliminated, and so on. This process must come to an end, since no proposition which we can apprehend can contain more than a finite number of apparent variables, on the ground that whatever we can apprehend must be of finite complexity. Thus we must arrive at last at a function of as many variables as there have been stages in reaching it from our original proposition, and this function will be such that its values contain no apparent variables. We may call this function the matrix of our original proposition and of any other propositions and functions to be obtained by turning some of the arguments to the function into apparent variables. Thus for example, if we have a matrix-function whose values are φ(x, y), we shall derive from it

      (y). φ(x, y), which is a function of x,

      (x). φ(x, y), which is a function of y,

      (x, y). φ(x, y), meaning " φ(x, y) is true with all possible values of x and y."
This last is a proposition containing no real variable, i.e. no variable except apparent variables.

It is thus plain that all possible propositions and functions are obtainable from matrices by the process of turning the arguments to the matrices into apparent variables. In order to divide our propositions and functions into types, we shall, therefore, start from matrices, and consider how they are to be divided with a view to the avoidance of vicious-circle fallacies in the definitions of the functions concerned. For this purpose, we will use such letters as a, b, c, x, y, z, w, to denote objects which are neither propositions nor functions. Such objects we shall call individuals. Such objects will be constituents of propositions or functions, and will be genuine constituents, in the sense that they do not disappear on analysis, as (for example) classes do, or phrases of the form "the so-and-so."

* Cf. Chapter III.

*2When we speak of "values of φz^" it is φ, not z, that is to be assigned. This follows from the explanation in the note on post (link)27. When the function itself is the variable, it is possible and simpler to write φ rather than φz^, except in positions where it is necessary to emphasize that an argument must be supplied to secure significance.
 Script: J. Mariscal & F. Trueba  Art: various © Respective copyright/trademark holders.
 Just a few days ago I awoke from a dream and marveled at it. In the dream I was talking to some people, and realized that I knew what I was talking about. I thought it was just a joke with the punchline “I woke up and in the dream I knew what I was talking about.” I saw the humor but could not connect the meaning to the truth of the humor until the dream I had today.
I have been puzzling about what to write about today’s post. I knew it is important, but how do I express its importance in words? My dream today gave me clarity on this question, and it lies in the relation of variables and apparent variables. In the statement “The first part of each and every previous post that is quoted from Principia Mathematica is definitively without error and therefore correct.” This is a definite statement that obviously contains no ‘real’ variables. Still, one may infer two apparent variables in the previous sentence, 1) future posts may contain error in the first part of the post; 2) other parts of the previous posts are or may not be without error. Although this example seems obscure, in some form it arises in every use of language beyond simple declarative sentences. The element of time acts to degrade everything and language structure is not exempt from the effect. This points out the meaning of my dream: not that I knew what I was saying, but that others understood my meaning.

Pencils and Inks: Carl Burgos  Human Torch and Sub-mariner © Respective copyright/trademark holders.

Harold R. (Hal) Foster’s Prince Valiant
© Respective copyright/trademark holders.

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