Friday, November 16, 2012

35. The Axiom of Reducibility

Harold R. (Hal) Foster’s Prince Valiant
© Respective copyright/trademark holders.

VI. The Axiom of Reducibility.

It remains to consider the "axiom of reducibility." It will be seen that, according to the above hierarchy, no statement can be made significantly about "all a-functions," where a is some given object. Thus such a notion as "all properties of a," meaning "all functions which are true with the argument a," will be illegitimate. We shall have to distinguish the order of function concerned. We can speak of "all predicative properties of a," "all second-order properties of a," and so on. (If a is not an individual, but an object of order n, "second-order properties of a" will mean "functions of order n + 2 satisfied by a.") But we cannot speak of "all properties of a." In some cases, we can see that some statement will hold of "all nth-order properties of a," whatever value n may have. In such cases, no practical harm results from regarding the statement as being about "all properties of a," provided we remember that it is really a number of statements, and not a single statement which could be regarded as assigning another property to a, over and above all properties. Such cases will always involve some systematic ambiguity, such as that involved in the meaning of the word "truth," as explained above. Owing to this systematic ambiguity, it will be possible, sometimes, to combine into a single verbal statement what are really a number of different statements, corresponding to different orders in the hierarchy. This is illustrated in the case of the liar, where the statement "all A's statements are false" should be broken up into different statements referring to his statements of various orders, and attributing to each the appropriate kind of falsehood.

The axiom of reducibility is introduced in order to legitimate a great mass of reasoning, in which, prima facie, we are concerned with such notions as "all properties of a" or "all a-functions," and in which, nevertheless, it seems scarcely possible to suspect any substantial error. In order to state the axiom, we must first define what is meant by "formal equivalence." Two functions φx^, yx^ are said to be "formally equivalent" when, with every possible argument x, φx is equivalent to yx, i.e. φx and yx are either both true or both false. Thus two functions are formally equivalent when they are satisfied by the same set of arguments. The axiom of reducibility is the assumption that, given any function φx^, there is a formally equivalent predicative function, i.e. there is a predicative function which is true when φx is true and false when φx is false. In symbols, the axiom is:

: (y) : φx . ≡x . y!x.

For two variables, we require a similar axiom, namely: Given any function φ(x^, y^), there is a formally equivalent predicative function, i.e.

: (y) : φ(x, y). ≡x,y . y!x.

In order to explain the purposes of the axiom of reducibility, and the nature of the grounds for supposing it true, we shall first illustrate it by applying it to some particular cases.

If we call a predicate of an object a predicative function which is true of that object, then the predicates of an object are only some among its properties. Take for example such a proposition as "Napoleon had all the qualities that make a great general." We may interpret this as meaning "Napoleon had all the predicates that make a great general. "Here there is a predicate which is an apparent variable. If we put "ƒ(φ!z^)" for "φ!z^ is a predicate required in a great general," our proposition is

(φ): ƒ(φ!z^) implies φ!(Napoleon).

Since this refers to a totality of predicates, it is not itself a predicate of Napoleon. It by no means follows, however, that there is not some one predicate common and peculiar to great generals. In fact, it is certain that there is such a predicate. For the number of great generals is finite, and each of them certainly possessed some predicate not possessed by any other human being-for example, the exact instant of his birth. The disjunction of such predicates will constitute a predicate common and peculiar to great generals*1. If we call this predicate y!z^, the statement we made about Napoleon was equivalent to y!(Napoleon). And this equivalence holds equally if we substitute any other individual for Napoleon. Thus we have arrived at a predicate which is always equivalent to the property we ascribed to Napoleon, i.e. it belongs to those objects which have this property, and to no others. The axiom of reducibility states that such a predicate always exists, i.e. that any property of an object belongs to the same collection of objects as those that possess some predicate.

We may next illustrate our principle by its application to identity. In this connection, it has a certain affinity with Leibniz's identity of indiscernibles. It is plain that, if x and y are identical, and φx is true, then φy is true. Here it cannot matter what sort of function φx^ may be: the statement must hold for any function. But we cannot say, conversely: "If, with all values of φ, φx implies φy, then x and y are identical"; because "all values of φ" is inadmissible. If we wish to speak of "all values of φ," we must confine ourselves to functions of one order. We may confine φ to predicates, or to second-order functions, or to functions of any order we please. But we must necessarily leave out functions of all but one order. Thus we shall obtain, so to speak, a hierarchy of different degrees of identity. We may say "all the predicates of x belong to y," "all second-order properties of x belong to y," and so on. Each of these statements implies all its predecessors: for example, if all second-order properties of x belong to y, then all predicates of x belong to y, for to have all the predicates of x is a second-order property, and this property belongs to x. But we cannot, without the help of an axiom, argue conversely that if all the predicates of x belong to y, all the second-order properties of x must also belong to y. Thus we cannot, without the help of an axiom, be sure that x and y are identical if they have the same predicates. Leibniz's identity of indiscernibles supplied this axiom. It should be observed that by "indiscernibles" he cannot have meant two objects which agree as to all their properties, for one of the properties of x is to be identical with x, and therefore this property would necessarily belong to y if x and y agreed in all their properties. Some limitation of the common properties necessary to make things indiscernible is therefore implied by the necessity of an axiom. For purposes of illustration (not of interpreting Leibniz) we may suppose the common properties required for indiscernibility to be limited to predicates. Then the identity of indiscernibles will state that if x and y agree as to all their predicates, they are identical. This can be proved if we assume the axiom of reducibility. For, in that case, every property belongs to the same collection of objects as is defined by some predicate. Hence there is some predicate common and peculiar to the objects which are identical with x. This predicate belongs to x, since x is identical with itself; hence it belongs to y, since y has all the predicates of x; hence y is identical with x. It follows that we may define x and y as identical when all the predicates of x belong to y, i.e. when (φ): φ!x . . φ!y. We therefore adopt the following definition of identity*2:

 x=y . = : (φ) : φ!x . . φ!y  Df.

But apart from the axiom of reducibility, or some axiom equivalent in this connection, we should be compelled to regard identity as indefinable, and to admit (what seems impossible) that two objects may agree in all their predicates without being identical.

The axiom of reducibility is even more essential in the theory of classes. It should be observed, in the first place, that if we assume the existence of classes, the axiom of reducibility can be proved. For in that case, given any function φz^ of whatever order, there is a class a consisting of just those objects which satisfy φz. Hence "φz" is equivalent to "x belongs to a." But "x belongs to a" is a statement containing no apparent variable, and is therefore a predicative function of x. Hence if we assume the existence of classes, the axiom of reducibility becomes unnecessary. The assumption of the axiom of reducibility is therefore a smaller assumption than the assumption that there are classes. This latter assumption has hitherto been made unhesitatingly. However, both on the ground of the contradictions, which require a more complicated treatment if classes are assumed, and on the ground that it is always well to make the smallest assumption required for proving our theorems, we prefer to assume the axiom of reducibility rather than the existence of classes. But in order to explain the use of the axiom in dealing with classes, it is necessary first to explain the theory of classes, which is a topic belonging to Chapter III. We therefore postpone to that Chapter the explanation of the use of our axiom in dealing with classes.

It is worth while to note that all the purposes served by the axiom of reducibility are equally well served if we assume that there is always a function of the nth order (where n is fixed) which is formally equivalent to φx^, whatever may be the order of φx^. Here we shall mean by "a function of the nth order" a function of the nth order relative to the arguments to φx^; thus if these arguments are absolutely of the mth order, we assume the existence of a function formally equivalent to φx^ whose absolute order is the m + nth. The axiom of reducibility in the form assumed above takes n = 1, but this is not necessary to the use of the axiom. It is also unnecessary that n should be the same for different values of m; what is necessary is that n should be constant so long as m is constant. What is needed is that, where extensional functions of functions are concerned, we should be able to deal with any a-function by means of some formally equivalent function of a given type, so as to be able to obtain results which would otherwise require the illegitimate notion of "all a-functions"; but it does not matter what the given type is. It does not appear, however, that the axiom of reducibility is rendered appreciably more plausible by being put in the above more general but more complicated form.

The axiom of reducibility is equivalent to the assumption that "any combination or disjunction of predicates*3 is equivalent to a single predicate," i.e. to the assumption that, if we assert that x has all the predicates that satisfy a function ƒ(φ!z^), there is some one predicate which x will have whenever our assertion is true, and will not have whenever it is false, and similarly if we assert that x has some one of the predicates that satisfy a function ƒ(φ!z^). For by means of this assumption, the order of a non-predicative function can be lowered by one; hence, after some finite number of steps, we shall be able to get from any non-predicative function to a formally equivalent predicative function. It does not seem probable that the above assumption could be substituted for the axiom of reducibility in symbolic deductions, since its use would require the explicit introduction of the further assumption that by a finite number of downward steps we can pass from any function to a predicative function, and this assumption could not well be made without developments that are scarcely possible at an early stage. But on the above grounds it seems plain that in fact, if the above alternative axiom is true, so is the axiom of reducibility. The converse, which completes the proof of equivalence, is of course evident.

*1 When a (finite) set of predicates is given by actual enumeration, their disjunction is a predicate, because no predicate occurs as apparent variable in the disjunction.

*2 Note that in this definition the second sign of equality is to be regarded as combining with "Df" to form one symbol; what is defined is the sign of equality not followed by the letters "Df."

*3 Here the combination or disjunction is supposed to be given intensionally. If given extensionally (i.e. by enumeration), no assumption is required; but in this case the number of predicates concerned must be finite.

Pencils: Ramona Fradon Inks: Bob Smith  Super FriendsTM © Respective copyright/trademark holders.
The authors’ approach to the Axiom of Reducibility is curious to my thinking. This axiom is subject to the greatest caution in presentation, and alternative proofs are suggested; and in posts ahead we will find further explanation and justification. I believe that Mr. Russell was uneasy about this axiom on two grounds. On the essential aspects of the system, the metaphysics in thinking and understanding it, this axiom is superfluous, because it is no help in these aspects at all. The value of the axiom is in justifying the symbology by which, in use, one will communicate with notation to a remote reader. Secondly, the axiom of reducibility serves to reduce both labor and length of symbolic notation, and Russell understood the clear validity of this, but at the same time, as a classically trained academic he was very uneasy about the final ambiguity inherent in this aspect.

 I believe that this axiom is entirely palliative for Bertrand Russell’s sense of vulnerability with the underlying ambiguity that permeates the system, and he well understood that he could not be disputed in the metaphysics, because if one gets it they get it; but if they don’t get it, still they have no concrete basis to dispute it. But in the notational aspect it is fairly easy to call him out on the small contradictions that are addressed by the axiom of reducibility. It was not enough that the axiom solved by intension a number of problems inherent in the system, it required justification beyond utility, by extension.

 In terms of hanbloglaka, or more broadly North American Indian thought and perception, this axiom is total diversion, but I am not persuaded that it is without value that I haven’t yet perceived. The essence of shaman knowledge is to see with multiple perspectives without preconceived assumptions, and regarding actions and propositions through to their logical conclusion. Still there is always accepted ambiguity, and in the end being wrong is not worse that being right, the only disgrace is in false pride, or claiming knowledge one does not possess.

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Harold R. (Hal) Foster’s Prince Valiant
© Respective copyright/trademark holders.

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